Chapter 33

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Three weeks ago...

Billy's POV:

I feel so stupid.. Why didn't I even make the effort to talk her or send her a freaking text message? Even if I did, what's the point? I heared she's dating Damon now. I guess she got over me real quick.

The truth is, I still have feelings for her. I just didn't have the guts to tell her. And now, it's already too late. Kelli moved on, so should I.

I shook my head, realising I had been daydreaming. I quickly grabbed my bag and made my way out of the house.


"Hey, today's been fun! Glad we were able to catch up on things," Spencer said cheerfully. He, Tyrel and I decided we should meet up to play basketball today. And of course, it was a bad choice of sport.

"It was for you. You made all the shots!" Tyrel complained.

"Come on Tyrel. If you think about it, height is not everything when it comes to basketball. I can teach you all the ins and outs if you want," Spencer offered.

"Sure, that would be great!" Tyrel said as his eyes suddenly lit up in excitement.

"Well, if that's all.. I think it's time we head back," I stretched my sore arms and yawned.

As we picked up our bags to leave, we noticed a guy was running towards us. He was panting, though strangely, he wasn't sweating.

"Hey, can I use your phone? It's an emergency!" He spoke so quickly, I almost couldn't catch what he was trying to say.

"Sure, no problem," I said politely as I dug around my pocket for my phone. I looked at it once more, before handing it to him.

"Thanks!" he said almost too quickly. He walked a few feet away from us and began punching some numbers onto the keypad. At least, that's what I think he was doing. The three of didn't say anything for a while. We simply watched the guy as he frantically placed my phone against his ear.

We couldn't hear the conersation between him and whoever was on the other side of the line. A few minutes went by, and he was finally done. He removed tge phone from his ear and stared at it for a while.

"Must've been a serious conversation," Tyrel whispered to the both of us. I nodded in ageement. I turned back owards the guy. He still wasn't moving.

"Hey, dude! You okay?" I called out and began making my way towards him. The guy looked over his shoulder, noticing my presence. The next thing that happened was completely unexpected. He smirked and sprinted away, leaving the three of us in shock.

"What was that about?" I could hear Spencer ask from behind me.

"Maybe he had somewhere to be." I shrugged.

But then I realised.

"My phone!" I yelled and ran, trying my best to catch up with the thief. By then it was already too late. I ended up towards a dead end in an alley, no one in sight.

"Damn it!" I yelled in frusration, kicking a pile of boxes nearby. I made my way back to the court, only to see Spencer and Tyrel looking at me worriedly.

"Did you find it?" I looked up and shook my head.

This could not get any worse..

Back to prev chapter...

Damon's POV:

"So, what's the plan?" Jamie asked me impatiently. Him, as well as Scott, had their arms crossed, waiting for me to elaborate further. I rubbed my hands together as if I was some evil doctor.

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now