Chapter 18

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Billy's POV:

I woke up with the feeling of lips brushing against mine. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, despite her messy hair and slightly puffy eyes.

"Good morning," Kelli said and smiled.

"Good morning," I said, and returned the kiss. I placed my hand on her cheek and she had hers against my chest. She slowly moved up her arms around my shoulders so we could be closer. We slowly pulled away and laughed.

Eventually we got out of bed and I let her shower in my room first. Erin wasn't home so I didn't want to enter her room without permission. I decided to borrow her some of my clothes. I opened the cupboard and took out a pair of jeans I've already outgrown, thinking maybe she could fit in them. Then I took out a plain blue t-shirt and a plaid shirt to go with it.

Then I waited outside as usual. A few minutes later she was out and it was my turn to shower. After drying myself I put on my gibson shirt and dark blue jeans. I put on my shoes and headed downstairs.

As I did I smelt something delicious. The problem was that my mom and dad were at work. I walked into the kitchen to see Kelli busily making flipping some pancakes.

"Someone got busy," I said happily as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"It's just my way of saying thank you for letting me spend the night," she said cheerfully.

"It was my pleasure," I smiled.

I pulled away from her and sat at the dining table. She stacked up all 3 pancakes nicely and poured maple syrup all over them, before adding a stick of butter right in the middle.

"Just the way you like it," she said as she placed the plate of deliciousness infront of me. She sat infront of me with her own plate and we ate peacefully.

"Wow, Kelli. This is delicious!" I said with my mouth full.

"Well, I do have many talents," she bragged sarcastically. I smiled and we continued to eat. As we ate, I noticed Kelli's smile began to fade.

"What's wrong?" I asked, still with my mouth full. I really need to work on my table manners.

"Nothing, just... This.. What we're doing now.."

"Having breakfast?" I asked to make sure we were on the same subject.

"Yeah.. There's nothing wrong with us.. just friends.. having breakfast together... right?"

I sighed. I almost forgot about the fest that happened last night.

"Of course.. We're just friends, having a nice breakfast, that's all. Besides, there's no paparazzi here, so no one's going to assume anything else. I mean, it's not like we're doing anything wrong, right?"

"Right.." Kelli said sounding a little upset.

I hate seeing her like this. I wish I could do something, but the problem is that if I do, the public is going to just make assumptions as always.

The vibration of my phone broke my trail of thought. I took a glance and noticed it was a text from Jennifer, my agent.


Come by to the studio in an hour. We have both good news and bad news. Bring Kelli along too.

"Hey, Kelli?" I said, still looking at the text message.

"What's wrong?" she asked, noticing the confused look on my face.

"Jenny wants us at the studio."

"Well, that's great! It's obvious that we're going to be filming season 3 of lab rats!" she smiled.

"Yeah.. Probably.. But.. She said there's bad news. And another thing..." I said and hesitantly held up my phone to let Kelli read the text.

"What? How does she know I'm with you?" she asked, looking as confused as I am.

"I don't know. But it can't be good.." I said worriedly. There was no use talking about it. The only thing we could do right now is to go there to see what she has to say.

After clearing up, we headed to Kelli's for her to get a change of clothes. Since papaazzi is eventually going to get to us, at least Kelli could look her best.


Eventually we were all in the studio. Everyone of the cast was there. we were all gathered. Soon, our agents arrived, as well as the director and producer.

"Well, thank you all for coming," our producer began.

"As you all know, season 2 was a huge success. Lab Rats is top of the list in the most watched disneyxd show! So obviously we are going to be filming our third season!"

All of us cheered with and hugged each other. We actually made it all the way to the third season! We really couldn't have done it without the fans.

Our director gave all of us our scripts and we were free do our own self rehearsal.

"Come on guys, let's try reading our script for the first episode, sink or swim!" Spencer said excitedly.

"Alright!" Kelli said cheerfully. I agreed and soon we were all on set practicing our lines. According to the script, there is going to be a lot more new scenes, as well as more action and drama, not to the mention the freshness of the comedy. Boy, this is going to take alot more work.


"I think you've got your lines all alright. This is definitely going to be much more easier for you guys next week when we film. Now the only thing we need to focus on is your makeup, clothing and most inportantly, stage positioning. If there's nothing more, I would like to call it a day," our director said as we had our final gathering for the day. We all bid each other farewell and headed back to our dressing rooms to get our things. As I headed out I said goodbye to Kelli and the rest. This is really one of the first few times I won't be going home with her, which is really upseting.

"Not so fast," I felt a hand resting on my shoulder. I turned to see Jennifer looking as stern as ever.

"I need to speak to the both of you."

Just friends? (Billy Unger/ Kelli Berglund fanfiction) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now