Chapter One-Hundred: Adventure of a Lifetime

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Brandon's Point of view

It's kind of amazing how fast Feather got her bag ready.

Well.... Heh.... I guess she's has practice, with all of her traveling lately. I know she won't be around much now. It's about that time when heroes start exploring even more of their surroundings and venturing out more, claimend the world as their own.

Though, Feather was a little delayed,

I wonder why?

"Are you sure you're ready?" Secretly, I just wanted to spend a little bit more time with her.

She slid her cutlass into it's sheath.

"Yep! I just had to empty my bag from the last adventure!" She said smiling.

..... Hmm... She truly was made to be a hero.

With her determination, her eyes seeming to sparkle with the mention of adventure. Truly remarkable.

She slid her bag over her shoulder and gave me a sad look.

"I'm sorry I have to take off like this, but someone needs my help." She apologized. I waved my hand.

"Nah... It's fine. I had gotten use to this with the other heroes. We'll be fine. Don't worry about us," I reassured.

Without warning, she threw her arms around me.

"I'll be back soon! I'll miss you." She whispered, before pulling away abruptly.

She's in a rush. I understand.

As she started to take off, she stopped in her tracks.

"Oh! And can you review the blue prints? I think I got some of the math wrong!" She walked out the door.

"Bye Brandon! I'll see you later!"

And she was gone..... Again....

"Brandon. Let's go for a walk." Sebastian put his hand on my shoulder.


"Are you okay?" I was helping Sebastian hobble outside.

Sure.... He's been a jerk..

But it's the right thing to do

"You're a good boy, Brandon. Unfortunately...." Sebastian started once we got into the woods.

I felt my face get hot.

"You're.... Well..... You seem to have fallen in love with the hero--"

"Feather. She has a name." 

He nodded it off.

"Right. And you don't plan to pursue her---"

I was quiet.

Pursuing Feather?

"As in.....?"

"Telling her your feelings."


...... Would she even feel the same?


Sebastian sighed in relief.

"I was getting worried that you'd distract Feather from her task. Even though now she's..... Delayed.... How many months has she been here?"

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