Chapter fifteen: Carrie

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I jolted awake, my face wet with either blood or sweat, I couldn't be sure.

But then I looked around, it wasn't blood or sweat, it was blood and pegasus spit.


"Hey Emma." I murmured, still numb from the pain of the monsters.

She neighed and butted her head against my face then motioned toward a peice of glass on the ground.


She did the same thing. I slowly picked up the glass and gazed at myself.

Not only were my eyes still electric blue, I had a giant scar that stretched down the left side of my face and my hair looked like Emma had tried to eat it. I almost looked... threatening. Of course I already was threatening just not as much as this.

While I was knocked out I figured out that every time I used even the smallest of sparks then I was taking from Zeus's strength. Just accidentally shooting my water bottle away took over half of the god's power, that's why he looked so weak when I saw him on Mount Olympus.

I almost smiled at the mere thought of it. He wasn't trying to kill me because of the prophecy, he was trying to kill me so that I wouldn't take any more of his strength away.

I scanned my surroundings and noticed something against the wall. Standing, I pressed my watch and readied my bow, it must be some disguised monster.

Whatever or whoever it was started to wake up just as I stood over it.

We talked for a few minutes, apparently it was a demigod named Elymas. And the kid had a cat. But something was different about the boy, he was deathly thin and ragged.

"So, do you want to drive or ride?" I asked Elymas.

"I don't know how to drive." He took a step back from Emma.

"Don't worry, the pegasi do most of the work. Let's see if there are any in the area." I opened my backpack, brought out a pegasi whistle then blew it.

Almost instantly a spotted pegasus swooped down next to Emma.

"There you go, that's your pegasus." I motioned for him to climb onto it.

"I still don't know how to ride." He sighed and climbed on.

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged then whispered to the pegasus, "Just follow us."

"Where are we going?"

"Ever been to Nebraska?"

"I've barely been out of this city." He laughed.

"Then you'll love it." I took off into the sky and Elymas followed, but not willingly.

In a few hours we descended onto a big city I knew well, Grand Island, Nebraska. I had been there a few times just for fun so all of the thugs and bullies feared me.

"So where are we?" Elymas landed next to me.

"One of the big cities of Nebraska." I smiled.

"Ugh, I hate big city kids. They're all thugs." He shivered.

"Some, but are you hungry?"

"Why?" He eyed me, almost as if I were about to poison him.

"Dude, you can trust me, we're in this together."

"A little."

"Okay, since we're on a roof we can see the whole city. Pick any restaurant and I'll pay."

"I couldn't let you—"

"You can and you will." I jumped off of my pegasus, he did the same, "They'll be safe up here."

"Are you sure?" He eyed the pegasi.

"Posa— gosh dang it." I sighed, staring over the edge of the skyscraper.

"What?" Elymas jumped up.

"Not much. Stay here, I'll be right back." I sighed.

"Um, okay." He eyed me as if I were about to run away.

I jumped off of the roof and sailed down to the pavement.

"Hello boys." I smiled and brushed myself off.

"Hey! It's Big City!" The leader strutted up to me.

"Yeah, see you guys are up to your old ways." I motioned to the kid that they were beating up.

"Of course we are!" He laughed.

"You know what happened last time." I warned him.

"It's not like that this time." He took a step back.

"Really? Name one thing that's different." I crossed my arms.

"This one came into our territory."

"You guys still have territories?" I let out a laugh.

"Yes, and you know this part of the town is our territory."

"I was just trying to go to the library!" The kid gasped.

"See? Just the library." I shrugged and helped the kid up.

"Fine." The leader snarled.

I lead the kid out of the alleyway and let him walk himself.

"So, Big City, huh?" Someone laughed.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"You don't seem like a big city kid." Elymas scanned me.

"I travel a lot." I sighed.

"Okay, before we get to the restaurant let me try to figure you out."

"I would love to see you try." I sighed.

"You are a rich kid that always travels, you wear a cape so that you can think of yourself as a superhero and you wear a dog tag to further yourself as a hero. Your family is never in the same place for more than a year because you get bored. How close am I?"

"Couldn't be more off."

"Okay let me try again. You are a rich kid, I know I got that part right—"

"Let's just eat." I laughed, glad that he couldn't figure me out easily.  

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