Chapter thirty five: Neptuna

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Five days until war.

I sat in class, not paying attention at all. We were in one of the more boring lessons, with a teacher who obviously hated her job. I looked out the room's window and something suddenly caught my eye.

Carrie, sneaking past the border of some mountains nearby.

My hand shot up.

"Yes?" Drawled the teacher.

"May I be excused for a moment?"
"Sure, fine."
I got up, and Liza made to get up with me, but I gave her a warning look and left. She didn't follow but threw a glance at Doleo.

I snuck up to the spot where I had last seen Carrie, and realized I came into a small area, hidden from the rest of camp. I spun slowly, looking for him.

"Looking for someone?" A smooth, mellow voice said behind me. 

I jumped and turned. Then, seeing Carrie's face, sadness overtook me and I looked down.

"No, nobody..."
"You sure? It sure looked like you were looking for someone..."

I glanced up at him. He was smiling devilishly, a smile I had never seen him wear.

And gods, did it look good on him.

My face turned pink as I suddenly realized how close him and I were.

Does he remember? I thought. Is he going to tell me he loves me, or kiss me?

Without warning, Carrie's hands were on me. One hand on my waist, the other intertwined with my hand, as he dipped me. My face turned another shade of pink as I quickly supported myself by gripping his shoulder.

Carrie was smiling that same smile, and our faces were centimeters apart.

"Mind if I kiss you?" He asked.

"Not at all." I breathed, frozen.

And his lips met mine.

A few seconds later, he pulled away; I was still in the dipped position. He was still smiling.
"Car—" I was about to say how much I missed him and how glad I was he remembered me, when I saw the black skull floating above his head, I froze, quickly turning pale.

"Hmm?" The boy I had previously thought to be Carrie asked, confused.

"Y-you—" I wanted to say, 'You're not Carrie!' but I held my tongue... I could trick him into coming into camp with me, then he would be taken back to prison. "You're a really good kisser." I mumbled.

"Thank you." He smiled again. "As are you."
I can't believe I kissed this guy... I cheated on Carrie...

Oh, wait.

Technically, by dating Carrie, I was cheating on Will, and by kissing this guy, I was cheating on Carrie and Will.


Just. Wonderful.

Also, who exactly is this guy?

"I'm Chris." He smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"You asked who I was, it would be rude of me not to answer such a stunning face."

I blushed, I hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"I-I don't know what to say." I breathed.

"Then don't. Now I must be going, will you do me a favor and not tell anyone you saw me? If not, I would be forced to put an enchantment on you and... well, I would just hate to do that to a beautiful girl." He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me back up into a standing position, but didn't let go of my hand.

"I... Can't do that."

"Ah, your humbleness and your beauty are equal... Well, I must be on my way so—" He cut off and said something that I immediately recognized as a very ancient form of latin.

"You're crazy." I shook my head.

"We all have a little crazy inside us, you just have to find it." His eyes twinkled and a shark red fluttered across.

He unlatched his rough hand from my own and slowly started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I called after him.

"I've been in a prison for two years now so naturally I'm going somewhere that actually needs me." He laughed and disappeared into the mountains.

Where did you go? Liza mouthed to me once I got back to class.

No where. I shook my head and returned my gaze to the instructor.

"...So in conclusion, you should always have a larkspur handy. Have a nice rest of your day and you may all now leave for your next class."

"Okay guys, it's time for survival again." Doleo stood up and announced. 

I groaned internally, ever since I had gotten back from the quest she had been pushing me harder than everyone else.

We made our way down in the direction of the Survival class area. I gazed lazily around the path, hanging back from the group.

"What's wrong with you?" Liza suddenly appeared next to me, shouldering her pitchfork.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Where did you go?"


"Yes, you went somewhere. Where?"

"The restroom, got a problem with nature calling?" I rolled my eyes, making an excuse.

"I know for a fact you did not go to the restroom— I saw you went into the mountains! The restroom is the other direction!"

"Fine, I went to take a break from the boring lesson. I skipped out on class, so what?"

"...Alright... I believe you. But you can't be doing that anymore, you might miss something important about the war and stuff." Liza seemed to relax.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered, turning to look out at the surrounding trees again.   

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