Chapter nineteen: Carrie

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20 days until the war.

"Come on." I grabbed Elymas' arm and pulled him toward the pegasi.

"What? Where are we going?"

"We need to go. Now." I jumped on Emma and Elymas climbed onto his pegasus.

"Where are we going?" He repeated.

"Home, but we need to make a few stops first." I sighed.

"Okay." Elymas shrugged.

"When we get into the air, a passageway is going to open, don't avoid it. I'll explain once we get through."


I sped off into the sky, Elymas on my tail. Almost instantly a giant door opened up in front of us.

We appeared on Long Island, close to Camp Half Blood but not close enough that we could be seen. I grabbed one of the two notes I had written and tied it to an arrow. If I aimed it correctly then Chiron would get it, no one else.

Around the back of the Big House there was a single window that was always open, I would use that.

After shooting it through the window I headed back into the sky, Elymas asking me questions the whole time.

"Stop yelling or you'll give away our location!" I hissed and he fell silent.

Finally after we were a safe distance away from Camp Half Blood, I signalled to Elymas that it was okay to speak.

"What was that place? And where are we going?"

"That place is called Camp Half Blood, they just declared war on my home, soon to be yours too. We're going to another place that just declared war also."

"Why are you shooting at them?"

"I'm not shooting at them, I'm sending them a note. Since we don't have time to stop home then we'll go straight to the meeting spot."

"Meeting spot?"

"That's what the note's about, I'm trying to stop the war before it starts, either that or try to lessen the number of bodies that pile up."

"Why did they declare war?"

"Apparently they think we have someone of theirs."

"Do you?"

"...Uhm..." I wondered if I should tell him that somehow Neptuna, or Courtney, had showed up on the quest, "Kind of but they think we kidnapped her. No one's sure how she got there."

"What's her name?"

"N— Courtney."

"Wait, I know that name... Courtney... Courtney Louderback?"


"I'm not sure, but I know I've heard it before." He spoke just as another passageway opened, this one leading to Camp Jupiter.

Finally I found a spot where no one would notice an arrow fly toward Reyna.

Wow, I just realized, they're so lucky I'm not an assassin. She looked pretty surprised when an arrow imbedded into her desk. Of course, why wouldn't she? It's an arrow! Hopefully she read the note before sending a group of her campers to hunt me down.

"Let's go." I motioned for Elymas to follow me back into the sky before anyone had the chance to spot us.

"What even is this place?" Elymas questioned once we were alone in the meeting spot, our pegasi hidden in the forest around it.

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