Chapter forty nine: Neptuna

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Two days until the war.

After the battle, sadly Liza won, but it wasn't my fault, I was kind of distracted with the whole "Wallace" thing.

I still needed to find a way to get Carrie's memories back. Maybe I could talk to a healer, maybe Aliva. She would know. If only I could find her in the mess hall at diner.

"What the—" My concentration was broken when I glanced up to see Wallace fighting Elymas.

"What?" Liza murmured under her breath to me.

We were supposed to be listening to a lecture by Borac (with points from Juventas) about the best place to stab someone. But to be honest, who listens to instructors anyway?

"I have to go." I jumped up and jogged over to Elymas and Wallace, both with weapon in hand.

I had my trident clutched at my side.

"Dammit, another kid." Wallace growled and dodged a sword slash by Elymas.

"What are you doing Wallace?" I readied my trident at the man's throat, which was a challenge because he kept moving.

"None of your business, kid."

"He's trying to kidnap Carrie!" Elymas panted.

Wow, the kid definitely hadn't been here long if he was getting tired from a battle like this.

Though Wallace was old, he definitely was winning.

"Let me help." I told Elymas and jumped into the battle, my trident threw sparks every time Wallace intercepted a slash or a stab.

Elymas stepped to the side and nearly collapsed, poor kid. Luckily for me he didn't pass out, he just started to pant like a dog in the sun.

"Don't. Let. Him. Win." Elymas panted.

"Not planning on it." I growled and slashed at Wallace's shoulder. "Why are you trying to kidnap Carrie?" I demanded.

"I'm not!" he protested, obviously lying.

"Yes—" I hissed, suddenly stabbing at his throat, making him stumble back and land on his butt. "--You are."

He swung the dull side of his blade at my foot and I noticed it a millisecond too late. Onto my butt I fell.

"I wasn't trying to kidnap Carrie." He spoke matter-of-factly. "Shouldn't you be in class little girl?" He stood.

"Little girl? I may be a girl but I'm a bigger man than you'll ever be. Let's just get that straight, okay?"

"Why you little—" Wallace started, but I interrupted him by jumping up and tripping him.

Then I put away my trident and helped Elymas up, all the while making sure to glare at Wallace as I went.

"Alright Elymas, we need to go find Carrie. Now." I said seriously.

Then I practically dragged Elymas with me to the Praetor cabin.

I kicked the Praetor cabin door open and looked wildly around. Then I saw Carrie, limp in his chair, behind his desk.

"Crap! Carrie!" I yelped. I assumed the worst immediately and rushed to his side.

I grabbed his hand and felt for a pulse in his wrist.

Letting out a heavy sigh of relief, I felt a slow ba-bump, ba-bump. Then I hoisted his arm up onto my shoulder and threw my arm around his waist so I could carry him to the healers.

"Grab his other arm!" I ordered Elymas.

He nodded and jumped up from his position of leaning on the door frame. He lifted Carrie's other arm up and over his shoulder, then helped me carry him to the healers. When we came into the healer's tent, everything stopped. Alivia looked up from Apollo, who was still in his coma.

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