Chapter twenty nine: Neptuna

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18 days until the war.

Everyone stared in disbelief at the hooded man. He had a certain aura around him, almost... bright. The black hoodie that he was wearing covered his face so I wasn't sure but this guy was definitely a god. My thoughts were proved true when Carrie finally spoke.

"Did the king of the gods send you or did you come of your own free will? You are surely not a monster, even they are not idiotic enough to come into a room full of demigods. You are not a demigod for your cabin leader surely would've stopped you. So, which god are you?"

"Zeus sent me, and I came of my own free will."

"You did not answer my second question."

"And I have no intention on doing so. Now, do you accept my request?"

"For the good of my camp I will."

Everyone immediately ate their food at quickly as they could then ran out onto the field. Carrie and the stranger were already waiting with locked glares. When some of the immortals saw the stranger I could've sworn they said something about how "Sunlight is stupid" or something like that.

Once the fighters got into position, they both readied their weapons. Natalie stepped forward in between them and addressed the crowd, but I didn't hear what she said.

I was bouncing on the balls of my feet, nervous and scared. Would Carrie be okay? Would he survive this fight?

Both Carrie and the stranger gripped their bows.

"Who does this guy think he is?" A healer in front of me questioned to his friend.

"Wish that guy would take off his hood." Another one spoke.

"Shh!" Someone hissed, "They're starting!"

I looked up and, sure enough, the stranger was running at Carrie, sword in hand. Carrie didn't look at all startled, instead, he just shot four arrows. The stranger's arm started bleeding... gold.

Woah, this was seriously a god. But which one?

Carrie's bow disappeared and was replaced by his sword. He blocked the arrows coming toward him then in a single arch he cut the god's bow in half and with yet another arch on the blade he cut through the god's sweatshirt and more ichor rushed forth.

In a rush of sunlight the hoodie disappeared and the wounds were healed. Almost the whole crowd gasped, Carrie wasn't fighting any god... he was fighting Apollo, his father.

But he didn't realise who it was.

Voices started murmuring throughout the stands.

"Oh my gods is that—"


"No way."

"That's against the rules! You can't fight your own parentage!"

"Well, he's doing it."

Sure enough, they were right. Apollo stepped back and jumped toward Carrie but in midair he froze, Carrie too.

"What in the name of Hades—" Juventas stood up.

The ground shimmered and a woman stood before us. With her image changing every second I could tell this was Hecate. Of course the biggest hint was the blazing torch in her hand.

"Demigods, titans, and immortals, hear me now. Your praetor does not recognise his foe nor will he. Everyone here is forbidden by Olympus to tell him his foe. The consequences are severe. Goodbye to you all." Hecate spoke and disappeared.

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