Chapter forty seven: Neptuna

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Two days until the war.

As soon as Wallace left I ran back to my cabin and hurriedly questioned Liza on how to teleport. I dodged her questions of why and she gave me the simplest way, think of the exact location then slash my sword in front of me.

I did as she instructed (with my trident) and prayed that it wouldn't open three different portals on accident.

I stepped through and crossed my fingers.

Taking a step forward, I took in my surroundings. There was brush on every side of me. I looked at the hill in front of me. Carrie stood atop it, looking out on the opposite side of the hill. I quickly climbed up the hill and Carrie, as if on instinct, pointed his bow at my face. I froze, scared, then relaxed. I scowled at Carrie and crossed my arms. He glared at me and pointed his still-loaded bow at the ground.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed.

"I came to warn you." I said, my burst of confidence waning under the intensity of his glare. "Wallace snuck into your cabin and took some sort of vial from your desk... He took out a needle and like... sucked it up into the needle..." I was having trouble explaining, with the fear of him being angry with me.

"I'll look into it." He growled. "Now go!" He pointed angrily back the way I came. "You're neither a child of Vulcan or Hephaestus, so you have no place here. Go!"

I clenched my fists and bit my lip, hard, and made my way down the hill.

A boy grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, once I reached the base of the hill. I recognized him at once.

Will Solace.


"Courtney! Oh my gods, are you okay? Did that guy kidnap you? I've missed you so much!"

"Uh... Who are you? And who's Courtney?" I eyed him. "I have orders to speak to no one but the praetor. Leave or I will be forced to use force." I pulled out my trident.

"Mr. Solace! I have allowed you to stay around my camp, that does not entitle you the power to hassle my campers before the battle!" Carrie growled and pointed his bow at the other child of Apollo.

"You liar!" Will spun on him.

"I do not know what you are talking about." Carrie gritted his teeth.

"You're a liar!"

"I am no more of a liar than Perseus."

"Percy isn't a liar!"

"Just my point. Now leave or I will make you leave."


"Okay, who are you?" I interrupted whatever horrible comeback Will had half-thought of.

"No one." Carrie glared at Will.

"I haven't seen him around camp so—" I froze and slowly (and extremely dramatically, I might add) looked to Carrie. "Praetor, are you fraternizing with the enemy?"

Wow, that was an act worthy of a child of Venus trying to get out of a sweaty workout.

"No." I saw the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at Carries lips, but I was sure I was the only one who could have seen it. "Leave and return to your cabin. I will deal with the problem at another time."

"Just remember my warning." I nodded to him. Then, taking one last confused glance at Will, I walked off and opened a portal, then stepped through.

I appeared in my cabin. It was empty, probably due to more training. They were either headed to training, or at it already. I put away my trident and quickly headed off to the training field. I met Liza there, and she (once again) questioned me about where I went. I shook my head and she sighed, exasperated. Then she smiled.

"Glad you showed up, I covered for you long enough and it would suck if I had to fight Borac or Juventas."

"Ready?" I pulled out my trident.

She grinned yet again and pulled out her pitchfork. I took that as a yes.

Ever since I had gotten to Camp Ops, my trident/sword wielding skills had improved greatly.

And, thank the gods, I still had my old tricks, like my infamous Trident-Trip, where I would hook the two outer prongs of my trident around my opponent's ankles and shove them over my back, making them land on their faces and (usually) pass out. I hadn't ever used it on anyone other than Percy, and I planned to keep it that way, unless I had to use it during the battle.

"Ready," Borac began. "Set... Go!"

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