Chapter fifty seven: Carrie

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I jogged off to the healer cabin.

"Is it time to set up near the battlefield?" Rebecca answered the door.

"Yeah, but try to keep out of view of the enemies. They're really upset with our camp."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Where's Alivia?"

"She's down at the tent. Something about not doing her job correctly."

"Okay, see you later."

"See ya'."

I walked down to the healer tent to look for Alivia.

I found her passed out on top of the god that I had fought. Her head was rested on their stomach.

"Hey, Liv." I shook her a little bit.

She yawned and opened her eyes groggily. "Yes ma'am." She closed her eyes again.

"Liv, you fell asleep in the healer tent... again." I sighed and shook her a little more.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" She jolted up and jumped to her feet. "Did I miss the war?"

"No, don't worry, you didn't miss the war. It's at nightfall."

"Oh." She sat back down and yawned.

"You should go back with your cabin, they're getting ready to head to the battle sight and set up."

"Yeah, sure." She nodded then stood up and started running toward her cabin.

I sat down on an empty bed and sighed.

"Oh, wow what a day, and it's not even noon yet." I spoke into the quietness.

No one was around except the patients that were all unconscious, I could say anything, anything at all, and no one would hear me.

"I can't believe that they have Chris." I sighed. "And Virtus, what is wrong with him? Why was he so upset as to hurt Neptuna?"

I stopped talking.

"Neptuna." I breathed.

I remembered the relief of seeing her, breathing instead of bleeding, in that tree clearing. Her neck had red marks on it, and her chestplate was horribly damaged.

"I'm going to kill Virtus, how dare he hurt her..." Then I remembered leading Neptuna to the armory and having her put on a new chestplate.

Once she had removed the old one, I saw that she was wearing something that I hadn't ever seen her wearing before— A spandex tank top, that fitted to her form, unlike the standard grey Camp Ops one's. I could see her curves, and that made my face burn red. I made a hasty retreat, trying not to make a fool of myself.

I blushed, even now, remembering it.

I shook my head, I couldn't blush!

What's wrong with me?

There is a war tonight. I need to stop getting flustered by beautiful girls.  

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