Chapter thirty six: Carrie

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Five days until the war.

A few moments of planning with the god of death later, Peona stuck her head in.

"Sir, there's a girl trying to come in, shall I allow it?" She asked.

"Sure." I spoke without glancing up, my head was swarming with names of prisoners and how this person could've escaped.

Hades and Pluto disappeared into the shadows just as Doleo came in.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What in the name of Hades is happening?"

"A prisoner escaped." I turned to look her in the eyes. "Shouldn't you be with your cabin? You are the cabin leader."

"They're in class. Now answer my question."

"I cannot give answers to questions I do not know."

"Then tell me what you do."

"I can't."

"Then answer me one thing, is it or is it not Chr—"

"Don't say his name!" I snarled then took in a deep breath, "I don't know who it is yet, but everyone is on the lookout so it shouldn't be too hard to find the escapee."

"Okay, fine, bye, see you around." She huffed and slowly retreated.

"She seems upset." Pluto reappeared next to me.

"Yeah, I bet she is." I sighed.

"Why don't you speak of—" Hades stopped due to the deathly glare I was giving him.

"Lots of reasons."

Hades checked his watch. "I must be going, Persephone will be waiting by now."

"Good luck with... everything." Pluto disappeared with Hades.

The next time I looked up it was almost time for diner.

Grabbing the blueprints to the prison, I jogged down to my cabin. Once I got in I hung it on the wall for better view later, then I finally just sunk onto the wall.

"How long have you been in here?" I spoke into the darkness.

No one answered, but I knew for a fact that my gut wasn't wrong. It never was.

"I'm not handicapped, I know you're in here, Regar." I laughed.

"How did you know?" His voice echoed around the pitch black silence of the room.

"We grew up together, in the same cabin in fact. I know each one of you guys like the back of my hand. The question is, why are you here?"

"Well, I could answer you but I don't help the gods." Regar growled and ropes sprang up all around me, standing me up and plastering me to the wall.

"That was a big mistake." I tugged at the ropes but they didn't budge.

"Was it?" He stood and entered into the light.

After examining me and watching me struggle he finally tried to take my watch off— That was a very bad idea. I almost let out a laugh when he ripped his hand away, red and blistered.

"That was your worst idea so far, but please continue, it's thrilling to watch." I snarled. "Now let me go. When I'm not seen at diner you know someone will come looking for me."

"I'll tell you something you've probably never heard before; No."

"I've heard that plenty of times."

"Have you, little rich boy?"

"Listen to yourself! You're speaking like a madman!"

"I'm not a madman!" He screamed.

"Are you sure about that?" I scanned him.

"Yeah! There's only one way to find out who you really are!" Regar pulled out his knife and jabbed at my stomach.

It all went in slow-motion. Full of rage and sight clouded by emotions, he went just an inch lower then he meant too and on accidently cut the rope that bound me. I jumped off of the wall, kicked him in the chest and he fell to the ground.

"Go back to your cabin and get ready for diner. I am Carrie, no matter what other people say. Leave or I will shoot." I aimed my bow directly at his chest.

He scrambled away and I sunk into my chair.

"I swear everyone's going to the wolves. By the way, you get out too."

I heard a sigh from across the room and Cameron left.  

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