Chapter forty two: Carrie

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Three days until war.

As I explained how each battle strategy would work, something didn't feel correct.

Suddenly everyone around me collapsed, I ended up catching Doleo and Tyler and set them nicely on the floor.

"What in the name of Hades and Pluto is going on?" I gazed at the unconscious cabin leaders and immortals.

Of course, no one answered me. Why would they? They were unconscious.

I immediately brought out my bow and scanned the area around everyone. If something had attacked them and caused them to go unconscious them I would find it and make sure it didn't hurt them further.

Mere moments later I decided that if it was a monster that attacked them then it was gone by now. I put away my bow and crouched down next to Juventas and started to try and shake her awake.

She groaned in pain and slowly sat up.

"Are you okay?" I took her hand and helped her up.

"Just a little headache." She mumbled and everyone else started to stir.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"A message." Juventas spoke, hands clutching her head though her eyes were wide and swimming with fear.

"About what? And why didn't it affect me?"

"It didn't affect you?" Doleo eyed me.

"Not even in the slightest." I shook my head. "I'm going to go make sure no one's hurt."

With that I jogged out of my cabin and started running from class to class making sure no one got hurt.

I must say, fighting class was hilarious. Since they were fighting at the time of the black out the fighters ended up on top of each other. I was forced to use most of my willpower to suppress the urge to laugh.

"Is everyone fine?" Juventas questioned me once I got back to my cabin.

"So far, most of them are still passed out though, but they should be fine."

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that you—" Sebastian started but Doleo put her hand over his mouth before he could continue.

"That I what?" I motioned for Doleo to release him.

"That you—"

"Have a great strategy that we should all listen to how it would work against the other camps." Doleo glared at him.

"Oh good gods." Juventas grumbled motioning out the window. "Here comes Ricky."

"Is everyone okay in here?" He poked his head in the door.

"Everyone's fine." I sighed.

When he heard my voice he jumped a mile high.

"Okay, what in the name of Hades happened when you guys were blacked out?" I questioned.

Why was everyone acting so strangely?

"I'll explain it to you once this meeting is over." Juventas massaged her head.

"Thank the gods!" I exclaimed. "Now, can we get back to work?" I motioned to the map.

They nodded and we approached the table.

Thank the gods that meeting was over, it was seriously ticking me off that almost everyone kept glancing at me as if I were about to explode.

"Tell me what the Hades happened when you guys were knocked out." I growled and fell into my chair, she took a seat across from me.

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