Chapter fifty three: Neptuna

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Doleo explained the plan to us, so did all of our instructors. It was pretty straight-forward so there's not much to explain.

"Come on! Wake up!" Liza shook me awake.

"Ugh, what?" I groaned.

"Come on! We're already late!"

"Late to what?" I sat up.

"We have to set up the battle!" She ripped my blanket off of me.

"What time is it?"

"Like two in the morning." She shrugged.

"Why do we have to get up at two in the morning?" I sighed.

"It doesn't matter, we're late." Doleo growled and fixed her chestplate.

My dog tag vibrated a bunch of times and Doleo sighed.

"Everyone get your gear on, Neptuna and Liza you both have special orders from the praetor."

"Okay." Liza nodded, checked her armor for the last time then pulled me out of bed.

"Come on! The sun's not even up yet." I argued.

"You have to get geared up." She pulled me to the armory.

"I know how to get gear on." I sighed, too tired to argue as she pulled a chestplate over my head.

"Then do it yourself."

"Why are you so agitated?" I questioned.

"Today I get to meet my brother, or at least he gets to meet me. I already know who he is."

"Who is he?"

"Nico Di Angelo." She sighed.

"I get to meet my brother too. Percy Jackson."

"Ah, the great Hero of Olympus, he makes me sick." Liza growled.

I shrugged. "I still have to meet him."

I got the rest of my gear on.

"Take your helmet off, we don't need anyone thinking you're from another camp and attacking you." Liza instructed.

I let loose a laugh of fear. "Yeah, wouldn't want to be part of one of those camps."

She eyed me for a moment then shook her head.

"Come on, let's go. Our team is set up just outside the perimeter, in case they try to attack us from the side."

"Okay, let's go."

She opened a portal and we stepped through.

"Glad you could join us." Regar laughed, a dark blue bandanna covering his face.

"Here, put these over your faces, we don't need any gases knocking us out—" Cameron handed Liza a pitch black bandana then handed me a light blue one. "-- or them knowing who we are." He locked eyes with me.

I wrapped it around my face and pulled it over my nose. Then, very carefully, I put on my helmet.

"Hey sis, do you know morse code?" Regar questioned me.

"A bunch, not all, but a bunch." I eyed him, "Why?"

I remembered Leo and Annabeth teaching me morse code.

"Carrie has to communicate with all of the teams somehow and a few years ago during the titan war we figured out it was really easy to just use morse code."

"Our tags aren't hooked up yet." Liza told him.

"Okay, I'll hook them up." He touched his dog tag and mine immediately started buzzing.

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