Chapter fifty nine: Carrie

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"Come on, I have to get you back to the battlefield before Perseus starts the war without my permission." I growled and pulled Annabeth through another portal.

"Hello Chiron." I nodded to the centaur and let go of Annabeth.

"Carrie, why aren't you in armor?" He eyed me.

"Praetors are not allowed to wear armor during battles."

He gaped at me.

"Good luck, it has been nice knowing you, in case anything happens."

"You too." He nodded.

I stepped away and through another portal.

Should we start the attack sir? My dog tag started to vibrate.

Not yet. You will all know when it's time to attack. Everyone get in position. I'm lifting the mist.

Yes sir.

I watched everyone get into position. Then I lowered the wall of mist and gazed out onto the field.

All was quiet on our side, but I could just hear small whispers of 'goodbye's and 'good luck's throughout my army.

Healers are you guys all set up? I tapped.

As ready as we'll ever be

Good luck everyone.

I waited for the sun to be completely disappeared then I took out an arrow and scraped the tip against the dry, rough ground.

"Let's do this thing." I murmured and loaded the arrow.

I let go of the bowstring and it fired into the night sky. My army waited until one of their war machines was completely on fire before attacking.

The second my arrow went into the sky Clarisse yelled something then charged forward.

Healers, be at the ready. Perseus Jackson is about to need assistance and I do not believe that their camp has the resources to help him. I tapped out.

Yes sir.

Just as I had predicted Perseus attempted to use his water powers. I held back a laugh when he fell down, writhing in pain. I could tell he was reliving his memories from that place.

Healers go.

I had trained our children of the sea to know when the water they are about to use is harmful, and to use water that's farther away.

Like I said, I didn't need a upperhand that we already have. Our upper hand just happened to be the rivers of the pit.

The healers rushed forward and loaded Perseus onto a gorney. I stopped them as they passed by.

"Alivia knows how to help him." I made sure they understood.

"We'll make sure that he gets to her." They nodded and kept going.

We charged forward.

Archers start firing. I tapped.

Sir there seems to be a problem.

What is it this time?

There's an unknown stumbling toward the battle.

Ignore them. If it's a mortal then they will turn back soon, if not then let's just hope they don't die.

Yes sir.

Archers start firing.

Yes sir.

Arrows started coming down. Each time one would hit, the person that it hit would disappear.

The arrows were slow, but that didn't matter.

Reyna and Chiron stepped forward. I motioned for everyone else to continue fighting while I tried to talk to the other leaders.

"You can stop this." I boomed to them. "I know you are smarter than this."

"Just hand over Courtney and this'll all be over." Reyna pleaded.

"Reyna, I already told you, there is no Courtney at my camp."

"What about a child of Poseidon or Neptune?"

"Oh, yeah, we have a couple of those." I laughed. "Actually it is about time I show off a little."

"Carrie, what're you talking about?" Chiron sighed.

I walked next to them.

"Just look over there." I pointed to the ridge where the children of the big three were fighting.

It was a madhouse, yeah, I guess that's a good way to describe it.

"Now, do me a favor and play along. I'll see you guys in a few minutes... or hours, it really depends." I murmured to then.

"What?" Chiron stepped back.

I brought out my bow. "See you guys soon." Then I started yelling. "Say goodbye to your leaders." I boomed.

Most of their campers turned to look at me.

I shot Chiron first then Reyna.

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