Scandal 3 - In which the husband asks for advice

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Scandal 3 - In which the husband asks for advice

James was still furious with his maddening wife. He needed to leave. He didn't know what he'd do in close distance with his nefarious wife. So he flew to New York and left her alone.


She was pregnant! And to make the matters worse Anton was the father. She slept with the one man he loathed.

He knew no doubt that she had Anton wrapped around her fingers just like every damn man in the vicinity. Damn her.

He drowned himself with the glass of whiskey he poured for himself. He was in his study still in deep thoughts on what to do with his wife. His conniving manipulative bitch of a wife. His. That made him felt slightly better.

He laughed at the obscurity of it. His. Cassandra might be his through the law of man and of God but she would never be his. And all he ever wanted was her to be his.

"Hey." He turned around and saw Anna walking towards him. He brow furrowed at her wondering why the hell was she inside his house and how did she know he was in New York. For God's sake he never left his house.

"What are you doing here?" he asked sharply. He wasn't the in the mood for company. He wanted to be alone. Alone with all his crazy thoughts.

Anna didn't answer him instead she sat on his lap and smiled seductively at him. She slip her hand inside his shirt. "I missed you." she said. "You never called."

Of course, he didn't call. Why would he? What happened between them was a one-thing deal. Nothing more. He didn't want her for a long time. She was clingy and crazy. And if tonight didn't prove that then nothing would.

"I'm a busy man Anna." He told her. When it came to the women he slept with, he was always ruthless when they became clingy and possessive. With Anna though, he just couldn't do that, he didn't know why. Maybe because they had been friends before he slept with her. "I have a lot in my mind."

Anna leaned and kissed his neck while her hands travelled through his chest. "Then maybe, I can take those things off your mind." She said. She pressed her lips to his and her tongue licked his lower lip. He parted his mouth and let her tongue inside, she sucked and bit but it didn't take his mind didn't shut down.

He pushed her away. "Leave Anna." He said, he wasn't in the mood for sex. All he could think of was his wife beneath Anton, screaming his damn name. And that didn't go well with him. And right now, he wanted to fly back to Manila and fuck his wife senseless. "I'm in no mood for this."

Anna pushed herself off his lap, she looked down at him and smiled. "Yes you are." She said her eyes pointing at his damn erection. He didn't tell her that it was because he was thinking of his wife, that was a moot point. "Come." She took his hand and he stood up.

What the hell. If his wife was fucking someone else right now then why the hell can't he? He'd use Anna to drive the images of his wife away or if that didn't work then he'd use Anna for release while thinking of his wife.

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