Scandal 49 - In which the player is a murderer

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Scandal 49 – In which the player is a murderer

“His lordship is awake, my lady.”

Cassandra looked up and she breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God. She tried to stand but she wobbled, she grabbed the arm of the chair and steadied herself.

The doctor came to her aide, “Are you alright, my lady? I can have someone check you.”

She shook her head, “I’m fine, thank you.” she said. She was just tired and she forgot to take her meds after all the debacle last night.

“My lady, I insist.”

She stared at him coldly, the kind of stare she was taught by Aunt Mildred, “I need to see my husband.”

The doctor nodded stiffly and escorted her to James’ room, James was lying on the bed and he looked fine, just a asleep James. She walked slowly to him and dropped to the bed and cried on his chest.

She sobbed and then she felt his hand moved to her back, she looked up and saw him smiling tightly at her, “I thought you died!” she cried.

“I didn’t. I’m here aren’t I?”

She nodded, “Don’t leave me please?”

He grinned, “I would never.” He said, “Come sleep with me. You look like hell.”

She smacked his arm softly, “It’s your fault.” She sniffed but laid beside James, he put her arms around her. “Don’t do that again okay?” she told him.

She watched the CCTV and saw James ran toward the Duke and Duchess of York, he was trying to be a hero. “I don’t need a hero, I just need you.”


Cassandra went back to the private lounge to change, the private lounge had been turned to an office for the prime minister to work in the meantime. And also their residence for a while.

Nobody could get out of the hospital as of now, everyone was on lockdown, nobody got in or out. It was necessary, after all, the hospital were full of aristocrats including the royal family.

She was changing at the bathroom when she heard them talking specifically the prime minister and President Rodriguez over the speaker line with others also. It was a conference call, she could tell.

“Mr. President, I know you’re grieving but you can’t bloody order to kill the whole family!” the prime minister said, clearly worn out from the conversation.

“Why not? First they killed my wife, now my daughter’s family!  I want them gone!”

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