Scandal 53 - In which the husband hears the wife's wails

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Scandal 53 – In which the husband hears the wife’s wails

Where the hell was his wife? James wondered. He had searched the whole estate but he could not find her, the staff didn’t know where went and surprisingly even Aunt Mildred and Hunter were not in the premises.

He then asked Phillips for Linda, surely his wife’s maid would know where the hell his wife went. However, Phillips had told him that Linda cannot be found either. She just like his wife, aunt and brother were missing.

Panic settled in his stomach, Cassandra had threatened that she’d leave and never come back, was this it? Did she already leave him? No, that couldn’t be. She promised. But then where the hell was she?

Their guests were also wondering where the three of them went, they weren’t at supper and James had to lie and say they were indisposed at the moment. Even Aunt Venetia and Veronica were wondering. They didn’t know where they all went.

They just mysteriously left.

He was at his office waiting for his head of security at the estate, waiting for answers. Somerset invited himself to the query.

Cooper came in, he stepped in front of the desk and reported, “Her Ladyship was in the car with the dowager and Lord Hunter, my lord.”

“And where might they gone to?”

Cooper shook his head.

“You don’t know where my wife went? After I told you repeatedly that she’s not to be left alone. She’s to be trailed everywhere she went discreetly.” His anger rising.

“I’m sorry, my lord but with the Royal Family of Denmark, we got busy securing the estate.”

“You got busy…” he drawled, “You do know that if something happens to my wife, I will not be held accountable in killing you.”

Cooper’s face paled. Good, he knew James wasn’t kidding.

The door opened and the Prime Minister entered. He dropped the folder in James’ desk, “They’re in London.” He supplied.

James opened the folder and saw the photos of the four of them including Linda riding the helicopter then entering the backdoor of St. Mary’s hospital. “What in Hades are they doing in St. Mary’s?”

“I’m not at liberty to say, James.”

“Uncle Marcus, you can’t just inform me where they are without answering me why.”

Somerset looked at James then at the Prime Minister, “Perhaps the dowager wasn’t feeling well and the countess and your brother accompanied her.” he supplied still looking at the prime minister.

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