Scandal 64 - In which she bargains with the devil

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Scandal 64 – In which she bargains with the devil

Anya couldn’t sit still, she was uneasy and she didn’t know why. It was just something seemed wrong and she couldn’t tell what it was about. She stared at the window plane, maybe it was just because she was leaving Alexi and Roderick. Especially Roderick, they had fought and now she was leaving with nothing fix between them.


Yes, maybe. Still she couldn’t shake the feeling off.


She rose abruptly, Claudia and Mila both looked at her with confusion, she paced around the plane, she needed this feeling to go away or else she wouldn’t be able to fly.


Mila rose then, “Your highness?”


She shook her head, she couldn’t do this, she couldn't go to Greece. She needed time. If she went to Greece now, it seemed it would be final. Like she was ending her marriage. She didn’t know why she felt that way but that was how she felt. If her marriage was really at its end then she needed to say goodbye.


“I can’t do this, Mila.” She said.


“What are you talking about your highness?”


“This.” She waved her hands in the air, “I can’t leave.” She looked in Mila’s eyes, she was sure Mila could see the craziness in her eyes perhaps she was crazy.


 “Your highness, you are expected to go to Greece.”


She shook her head frantically, “No, I can’t.” she repeated, “You go. Tell them I got the flu or something. I’ll join you in two days. I promise you Mila, I’ll be there in two days time. I just need to have an alone time.”


Mila, she guessed could finally see the desperation in her eyes and voice that she sighed and nodded, “I will make excuses for you, your highness. But you must join us in two days.”

She nodded, thank god, Mila understood. She needed time. Time to think. So with that said, Mila and Claudia secretly ushered her down the plane and unto a unsuspecting car, no one, not even the royal guards knew what they were up to.


She knew, what she was doing was wrong but she needed this. Needed to think this all through.



“I suspected as much when you called.” Hunter said sitting down at the chair across the table from her.

“How did you do it? The authorities don’t suspect a thing.”

He shrugged, “It’s easy really. I hacked the plane’s network and with that I did a little tinkering without the pilot noticing it.”

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