Scandal 63 - In which the wife's health deteriorate

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Scandal 63 – In which the wife’s health deteriorate

Even though Cassandra was sick she still helped Roderick and Alexi through this bad time, it had only been a day since the plane crash, reports said that it was an engine failure, that nothing malicious had happened.

It was hard, Cassandra had been somewhat friends with Anya, they grew close and now, she was gone. Anton had called, she could tell that he’d been crying. Who wouldn’t be?

Alexi was asking for his mom and Roderick hadn’t been himself.  She felt for the father and son, she wished she could do something other than cry and hold Alexi. She wished she could… she didn’t know but she wanted to do something.

She was with Alexi in her room waiting for Roderick to talk to the press, she knew it was hard for Roderick to face the press but he needed to, he was the crown prince and Anya was his wife.

When Roderick appeared on the screen, she turned the volume up.

“Good morning. I would like to offer my condolences to the families of the victims of the plane crash. We have reports that the plane crashed due to engine failure, the authorities are continuing on investigating the crash. The French and Greek Government are continuing their support in retrieving the black box which will tell us what really happened up in the air.”


“Your Highness, what about the dead of the crown princess? People are wondering why the crown princess hasn’t been declared dead.”


Cassandra watched as Roderick visibly pale at the mention of Anya. He swallowed before answering.

“The body of Her Royal Highness hasn’t been found. Until then, there will be no conclusion that the crown princess is dead. We will not be declaring her dead until her body have been found.”


“But isn’t it a foregone conclusion since reports said there are no survivors at the crash? And her name was on the manifest.”


“I repeat, we will not be declaring her dead until her body have been found.”

Cassandra turned the television off when she felt Alexi stirred, he didn’t need to hear them talking about his mom. Roderick hadn’t told him about Anya’s death but somehow she felt that Alexi knew, by the way he cried and all.

She watched as Alexi opened his eyes and blinked a few times, “Morning.” He mumbled.

“Good morning. Have you slept well?”

Alexi nodded. Just before he could speak though, Cassandra coughed, she covered her mouth with her hand and coughed harder. It was getting hard to breathe and the more she coughed the more she couldn’t breathe.

So she set Alexi beside her then stood, she walked toward her bed to press the button as she cough. Alexi sensing something was wrong, jumped out of the couch and ran outside her room yelling for help.

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