Scandal 59 - In which the wife says goodbye

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Scandal 59 – In which the wife says goodbye

Anya was sitting at the Queen Anne chair at their suite waiting for her husband to reemerge from the bathroom, she was trying to keep calm even when her insides were screaming at her to go ballistic. She couldn’t.

She needed to talk with Roderick peacefully. They didn’t need to fight or scream at each other because she knew, they would be heard and she was sure, everyone was just wanting to hear what they had to say, or what she had to say to her cheating husband.

When the bathroom door opened, she braced herself, willed herself to be calm and collected, it would not do if he saw any weakness in her. She would be indifferent from now on.

Her heart ached, who knew this would hurt?

Roderick stepped out of the bathroom and met her gaze, she saw that he knew already and before he could speak, she beat him to it. “We’re leaving, Alexi and I. You’re free to stay or leave. Maybe you could take your mistress somewhere. I don’t really care.”

“Anya, I’m going with you and Alexi. You’re my family.”

She laughed indecorously, “Had you considered as your family, you wouldn't have aired your dirty laundry. Now the whole world knows how dysfunctional we are!”

“I didn’t start this! You did! You had an affair with your ex or had you forgotten that?” He glared at her.

And she glared back, “Now you’re throwing that in my face? How very you.” she clapped her hands, “But you forget, you were the reason why I was with Roderick, had you let me stay in Denmark, it wouldn’t have happened.” She reasoned back. She rose from her seat and walked to the back of the chair, she placed her hands on the head of the chair, “I will not divorce you, God knows if I try I’d succeed. But Alexi needs a father and I'd be a fool if I let you go, after all you’re going to be a king someday alas making me a queen. That’s all it ever was, wasn’t it?”

She saw him flinched but she didn’t care anymore, she was hurt. The pain she was feeling, it was something she never felt before. Being betrayed by Roderick wasn’t something she thought would happen yet it did.

“I don’t believe you. You love me.” Roderick said looking into her eyes, maybe searching for the love but she couldn’t look at him with love when her heart was breaking, when her heart was bruised with his betrayal.

So she plastered her most indifferent and cold stare at him, “You never believed it, you sent me to the Philippines because you doubted it. Or maybe you just sent me there so you could be with your mistress.” She said.

He was about to speak but someone knocked, they both looked at the door and he sighed, “Come in.” he said.

The door opened and Linda, Cassandra’s maid entered, “Your highness.” She greeted, “Her ladyship wants to inform you that she’ll be joining you, if the offer still stands that is.”

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