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Hi everyone how are you guys today so yeah we are having a vote about this cute little guy above I found this picture on deviantart and it was so cute that I really wanted to take care of him but Jordie already has 2 bitty's and a dog in this story. So I don't know what to do if I should add this little guy in this story or not because 2 little bitty's were my limit when I started writing this story but he's soooooooooooo cute and I WANT HIM SO MUCH <333 and here's where the vote comes in.

Vote 1 time: if You want me to add him in the story

Vote 2 times: If you want me the author to keep him (If you can't vote two times just say vote 2 in the comments)

Okay so that's all I wanted to say and I will update with a new chapter when the voting has been done and you guys are probably dying for me to update it. Sorry but I've been having writer's block but hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday I will have something up.

bittybones fanfic cherry and brassy (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now