Chapter Twenty

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Parker's POV

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Liam's car. When we were splitting into different cars, I chose whatever one Harry wasn't going to be in.

He starting to slightly scare me. He's always so weird when he is around me. I didn't do anything wrong, have I? And whenever were close enough, I get light headed and blurs from my dream flash over my sight.

Anyway, so it was Liam, me, and Louis in Liam's car. Then Harry, Niall, and Zayn in Harry's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we made a turn towards the forest. Nate always said I should never go it it because there are strange things in there.

"You'll see," Lou said from the back. I groaned and let my head fall onto the headrest.

Another five minutes past and we were now in the forest, driving along a path that Liam seemed very familiar with...

Liam stopped the car and we climbed out. I looked down the path we came and saw Harry car, the Mercedes, park behind us.

They all got out and Harry looked nervous. Niall was talking, trying to reassure him?

"Harry," Liam said when they were close to us, "are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he mumbled, walking into the forest. He disappeared after multiple trees and I stood there, watching if he would come out.

"Parker," Liam said grabbing my shoulders, "you need to let Harry explain some things to you, okay? And you can not freak out and run away. You shouldn't be alone out here."

I stared at Liam with nothing but confusion. Harry needs to explain things-perfect. Don't run away-I can't run in this brace, so they're fine there. Don't freak out-done. I nodded and then Liam let go of my shoulders.

"Harry!" Lou yelled.

I looked back to the spot where Harry disappeared to. Multiple seconds later, I saw a brown paw next to a tree trunk.

My body froze and I took a step back. I felt hand grip my arms and saw Niall's shoes behind me.

When I looked back up I saw the dog from the book. It has curly brown hair that looked slightly tangled. It also had a pair of gorgeous green eyes. It took a step, then paused. It continued to look at me and only me.

Was it going attack us? It looks slightly scary an now that I'm up close (about 20 feet) it looks huge. And Lou called Harry. Where is he?

Niall gave me a small push and I stumbled towards the giant dog. It was bigger then me on all fours! It's probably over six feet tall.

The dog did something that surprised me. It sat down. It looked back at me, then laid on the floor.

I took a step toward it. Its head snapped back to me and I froze. It then tilted its head and put it back between its paws.

I took more steps until I was right next to it. I was scaring myself with how close I was to it.

I slowly reached my hand out and touched one of the curls of hair. It's head slowly picked up and turned to look at me.

I looked closely at it's eyes. That green looks exactly like mine. It's brighter then grass, but duller then neon green.

They looked so much like...


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