Chp. 17 "Recruiting"

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Chp. 17 "Recruiting"

I soon pulled up into Max's drive, seeing Gage's familiar black car in the driveway. Max sighed, "Well, let's do this."

Avery and I followed Max into his familiar house as he led us down the hall and to his room where Gage was browsing on his computer. He looked up at the three of us and smiled, "Hey Andy, Max..." and then he trailed off as he saw Avery's new face.

Avery waved, "I'm Avery Ryan," and her arm brushed past mine slowly, as if secretly telling him she was with me.

He nodded, "Nice to meet you."

Max spoke, "Remember what we talked about a couple weeks ago over the phone?"

"About the Protection Bureau?"

We all nodded in agreement as Max sighed, "Yes, but we were all wondering if you would be willing to... come with us?"

I could see something flash through his eyes, like happiness and joyfulness in knowing that we wanted him along for the ride. He had always felt left out with Max and I because of the lack of powers but now I could tell he was flattered. He stood, "That would be pretty awesome..."

Max smiled, "Well, we know you're pretty good at what you know and you have connections. Gage, you could help us out big time..."

Gage smirked arrogantly but I knew he was messing with us, he crossed his arms, "Yea, I know people."

I nearly jumped in excitement, "So you're in?!"

He shrugged, sitting in his leather rolling chair, "I don't know, I'll have to think on it."

Max punched his arm and spoke, "Shut up, you know you're coming."

He smiled, "Yea, I am. I'm all in guys, just tell me what you guys need and I will make it happen."

It felt so good hearing that come out of Gage's mouth knowing we had someone as influential as him on our side. He could get us far with the people he knew, and I knew he had connections all throughout the police force in Jacksonville, Florida...

He was the last piece of the puzzle we needed for our team.

He clapped his hands, "So when do we start planning?"

I looked at Max and shrugged, "Soon, but we have to wait till graduation. Max will fill you in on everything we have planned so far and everything that has been happening. Then when it gets close we're going to tie up loose ends."

Max gazed at Avery and I and he smiled slyly at me, "See you two tomorrow?"

I gave him a serious look, secretly telling him not to say anything stupid before Avery and I left. I nodded, "Tomorrow, when I pick you up for school."

I wrapped my arm around Avery's waist as I started to lead her out the door, praying for us to make it out without an awkward comment. Then as I predicted, there was one out of Max's mouth, "Have fun tonight!"

I sighed, walking out the house mumbling viciously under my breath about Max, he sure loved to make shit awkward. Avery joined me in my car and she sighed, "Telling him was a bad idea."

I laughed to myself, "You're telling me? I knew that before you told him!"

She shoved me and smiled, "I didn't know he would make awkward comments about it!"

I started on my way to my house, knowing my parents wouldn't be there because they were still at work. They knew I was going over to Avery's though and they were actually ok with it, which I was surprised by. It was a Wednesday night and a school night at that, but I figured they trusted me enough for this.

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