Two Different Crowds

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Hey guys this is the real introduction, well actually I'm just introducing the characters : But the next chapter is the real, real thing. And I don't mean the real introduction, I mean the book. It starts after this. I just thought you should get to know the characters. Oh and maybe this time I would add more words Sally other than 'slut'. Lol (inside joke) (Maybe if you read my last book you would get it). But anyways Enjoy!

Amy: Sweet popular virgin,  doesn't act slutty, has class and doesn't want to be mean unless someone insults her or her friend or if she just wants to impress her sort of friend Mina. Has a small crush (that grows bigger) on Shadow.

Shadow: Tall handsome black figure, he is new to the school. Could have gotten a chance to be in the popular crowd but helped Tails when he was bullied and started talking to him. Shadow thinks Amy is a slut because of the crowd she hangs out with but really she isn't slutty.

Rouge: Amy's best friend, already dating the football player Knuckles, just like Amy, Rouge is popular too. Not slutty.

Sonic: Is popular, dating Sally. Friends with Amy. Doesn't like Shadow.

Fiona: Is okay, she's actually sort of nice. To her friends and boyfriend. That's it, she's Amy's friend because she's nice to her. Fiona is actually a nice person if you get to know her well.

Mina: The Miss. Popular in the group, you know the alpha or the leader the one who leads the posse. That's her, she may act like a dive at times but she's nice to her friends too. But if she doesn't get her way it could be a pain. Amy and her go to ballet classes together.

Sally: Slut. (Just kidding) Over everyone Amy secretly hates Sally the most, you will find out why she hates Sally so much later in the book.

Julie-su: Amy doesn't have much against her, she's sort of quiet. She and Amy don't really talk as much. Julie-su is also a cheerleader

Cosmo: In this book Cosmo is the loser, because of the relationship she has with Tails.

Blaze: Blaze is still the quiet tie who prefers to be alone, she isn't in the popular crowd but she always had a huge crush on Silver and tries to say hi to him and stuff and gets embarrassed but still she really likes Silver. Used to be popular.

Silver: Blaze has a crush on him but that's too bad because he's popular. He's quiet and can be funny at times, he likes to draw and he's actually very cute.

Tails: Is considered the 'loser' at the school just because he actually has brains and goes study so he could be smart and pass the test. He's bullied by Scourge and Becky.

Scourge: One of the bullies at school, his main target is Tails. He is Fiona's boyfriend.

Becky: The other bully at school

Espio: Isn't popular

Maria: Un popular but sweet nice pretty girl not slutty and is perfect but not in the popular group.

Jet: Another bully at the school, is going out with Wave

Wave: Jet's girlfriend, a bully at the school.

Manic: Sonic's brother, Manic is very flirty and is a band nerd without the nerd part because Manic is funny and Sonic's brother.

Sonia: A real band nerd. Sonic's sister and has a real hate for everyone popular. Even the sluts. She thinks their stuck up.

Um, I think that's it for now so thanks and bye.

Two Different Crowds (ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now