I'm Single. I'm Happy.

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-Amy's POV At School-

"Well I'm going to get Knuckles back because I deserve it but you need to lay your eyes off Shadow." Rouge stated looking straight into my eyes. We were both in my car, in the parking lot at school. We are fully parked but I already told her I didn't want Shadow to come out of nowhere and make things awkward.

How the perfume stay on anyways? We were in water!

I heaved out a sigh, it's Mina's perfume anything could go in there...

"Why do you get Knuckles?" I questioned her.

"Because we were broken up by someone, you and Shadow were never together." Rouge explained, I stared outside the window as I felt an ache in my stomach. When I calmed down I turned back to face Rouge.

"Are you really going to let a guy control how you feel?" Rouge asked me, I stared down at my feet. I knew she was going to jump to a lecture soon but they are actually really helpful.

"What kind of man says he loves a woman and leaves her, and than he goes and asks if your okay? You should have just slapped him in the face." Rouge stated taking out her eyeliner. I heaved out a sigh as I watch her apply some eyeliner on herself.

"Besides, you don't want a boyfriend." Rouge assured me, I looked at her allowing a puzzled look to scratch my face.

"Your lucky, you don't have to buy gifts and if a hot guy flirts with you no one can stop you." Rouge mentioned, I continued to just stare at her.

"So if the single life is so sweet why are you going after Knuckles?" I asked her.

"Because I love him." She stated still looking at the mirror as she applies eyeliner. I turned away and went back to staring out the window.

"Oops did that get you thinking of you-know-who?" Rouge asked me, when I looked at her, her eyeliner was closed. I nodded.

"Stop acting so quiet and stuff, it's so annoying." Rouge said with an eye roll.

"You need to stop letting a guy make you feel certain ways, you are your own self he can't change you emotionally or physically." Rouge assured me.

A part of me thought Rouge was wrong, Shadow always made me feel different, he can actually make me feel certain ways, no matter if it's sad, happy or free...

But at the same time I didn't want him to know I feel that way.

I could still act like he doesn't make me feel that way.

I could just pretend I don't care.

I let a smirk play on my lips, this is going to be good...

-Later That Day-

I sat down in health class, the room was loud until Mrs. Grey out principal walked in.

"Hello class, Mrs. Grey is here to teach us a small lesson." Our teacher said with a warm smile, the class stayed quiet as Mrs. Grey still stood there with a blank expression on her face. She walked to the middle of the classroom and stood there, her face was a bit imitating now but than she finally spoke.

"I have been going class to class, and as you know the attempt to educate you on sex ed failed. So I have been going class to class to educate you myself."  Mrs. Grey stated.

"Now you will be learning." Mrs. Grey said.

"Learning what?!" I heard a classmate gasp the class erupted into conversation, Mrs. Grey's eyes darkened and everyone quickly shut up.

"You will be learning sex ed. Like it, or not." Mrs. Grey stated in a very serious tone, the class erupted again and Mrs. Grey made her way towards the black board and wrote at the top Sex Ed.

"Mrs. Grey please don't make us go through this!" Chloe whined. Mrs. Grey turned around to face her.

"Chloe I am very surprised to hear that from you." Mrs. Grey said. I'm very surprised too. I let out a soft chuckle as I thought of the time Fiona and I met her in the hallway snogging Scourge.

"Now we already know Fiona got pregnant to we don't want it to happen to anyone else without proper knowledge." After Mrs. Grey said that the class started to giggle.

"And faking pregnancy was something I would not recommend because those kind of stuff is not healthy on a school record." Mrs. Grey said, the class continued to giggle I looked behind me to even find Mina giggling.

"But Mrs. Grey I don't think we are ready for this talk!" I heard a classmate call out.

"Knowing you stupid kids you will never be ready!" Mrs. Grey snapped.

"Now I am going to tell you the story of the birds and bee's, and you will like it!" Mrs. Grey protested.

-At Lunch-

All of the boy and girl sophomores were completely separated, girls were together and the guys were together. Thanks to Mrs. Grey we were scarred for awhile. But after awhile in lunch the guys and girls hesitated a bit but got together again, but there was still a small distance between them.

I just sat with my friends and Shadow was at Mina's table, than he came to my table to talk to Maria... who was beside me... well not anymore at least. Shadow turned around to find me quietly eating my lunch.

"Amy, we should talk." Shadow said in a very low tone.

"What is there to talk about?" I questioned him with some attitude in my tone.

"About last night." He reminded me, memories flashed of his full lps against mine but I shook it off.

"Look, I already moved on, you can too." I informed him. I stood up to make a move but he wasn't finished with me, he grabbed my arm before I could leave.

"But--" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't worry I won't tell Mina anything that's your business." I told him with a grin.

"Amy listen--"

"I'm not going to listen to a bunch of lies. Or kissy stuff because I honestly don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet, but you seem to be fine with Mina so I'm single and happy and your in a relationship and I hope your happy too. Now I need to go so bye." I said than yanked my arm out of his grip.

After that I just walked away with a sly smirk playing on my lips.

This is only the beginning and it's already fun.

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