Oh My Goodness

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, Oh my goodness (see what I did there) ideas ran over me like a flood. I had an idea but that would make the story end too quickly, I can't tell you because I might actually use it. But this chapter and a few chapters after this you're going to be surprised (or not). Oh yeah, I know I didn't add this but Manic and Sonia are in the book now. I put them in the characters thingy. But anyways if you want leave a vote or a comment or maybe just plain Enjoy!

-Amy's POV the next day at school-

The date with Shadow was amazing! I actually got to know him better and we got along very well. He's a really nice person. And I can't believe before I only liked him for his looks! He's a great guy even though he kept nagging about Maria sometimes. It's like she paid him to say all that!

I was walking down the hall with Fiona, I was talking to her until she stopped for a second and looked at the corner, I looked in her direction to see Scourge making out with some random cat, it was a brown and white cat, I recognized her. She's one of the biggest sluts in the school!

"And who are you?!" Fiona snapped at her. The cat and Scourge instantly stopped. Scourge didn't even look scared!

"Hi, my name's Chloe, I'm Scourge's girlfriend." Chloe said with a smirk. Fiona looked at Scourge for a second. I don't even know if he is paying attention.

"That isn't possible, I'm his girlfriend." Fiona said. Chloe didn't look surprised either.

"Really? Which number are you?" Chloe asked. Oh my gosh how am I witnessing this?

"What are you talking about?" Fiona asked Chloe. Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Scourge is going out with at least eight girls in this school or something. And he numbers them. I'm number three because I was the third girl he met." Chloe replied with some confidence. Fiona was speechless. She couldn't say a word.

"What's your name?" Chloe asked Fiona.

"Fiona..." Fiona answered.

"Oh your number eight." Chloe replied with a smile. Scourge quickly elbowed Chloe.

"Oh is this the up tight one your usually nagging about baby?" Chloe asked placing her head on his shoulder.

"You get your dirty hands off him now!" Fiona demanded.

"Yikes!" Chloe said with a giggle.

"Okay before Fiona punches you let me just say. Fiona never knew all of this because Scourge knew she would fly kick him. But the thing is you knew this. If you know that he is dating eight girls are going out with him. That's not love. You don't really love each other because the one you love is only supposed to love you. Otherwise he is just using you." I directly told Chloe. Chloe just fake yawned.

"Okay, great lecture. One thing though. I. Don't. Care." Chloe said with an eye roll.

"Scourge what do you have to say about this?" Fiona asked.

"Chill out babe, your still my boo." Scourge tried to comfort her.

"Boo number eight." Chloe said quietly with two coughs at the end.

"Scourge I trusted you--" Scourge cut her off.

"Maybe this wouldn't happen if your so uptight all the time!" Scourge snapped.

"Are you really willing to do this to me? And other woman?" Fiona asked having tears forming around her eyes.

"The other woman already know." Scourge said with a shrug. All I could do is watch. I'm like frozen right now, it's like I'm watching glee without the annoying singing. All I could do is watch. I couldn't even say anything. I was speechless.

"Screw you!" Fiona snapped before she ran away.

"You already did!" Scourge yelled after her. I ran as fast as I could to help Fiona out. The thing is people are thinking she's one of the sluts who lets Scourge go sleep around. And since we're friends with her it ruins our reputation too.

This is the first ever time I have ever seen Fiona in tears. And it really hurts.

-Two weeks later at lunch-

The preps are eating at our table again. I haven't seen Fiona in two weeks. Is she really trying to avoid him that much?

"Soooooo, Amy I heard you and Shadow are going out." Mina brought up the subject. Mina still thinks Shadow's cute. She knows I was going out with him. Shoot me.

"What?!" Manic interrupted. Manic is Sonic's brother. He's one of those band nerds but Manic is different. He's funny and stuff. Manic likes hot girls so he has a crush on half the girls at the school. You know he's those guys who flirt with girls but can't get them!

Sonic also has a sister named Sonia. Sonia hates all the preps, all the jocks, and all the sluts. She just hates us. She thinks we're stuck up and stuff. She's a band nerd too but whatever.

"None of you guys are allowed to date without my permission first." Manic told us which made me giggle.

"You guys just found out?" I asked them.

"What?! No! I didn't just find out!" Mina snapped. Rouge and I laughed at her embarrassment.

"Scourge!" I heard someone yell. The whole cafeteria went quiet. I turned around and saw Fiona. I watched Fiona march up to Scourge.

"What's wrong babe?" Scourge asked her.

"Do you know where I have been the last two weeks?! Why haven't you returned my calls?!" Fiona yelled.

"Because I knew you were going to nag me." Scourge replied with an eye roll.

"I was feeling terrible! And all I just needed was the comfort of my own boyfriend!" Fiona cried.

"What's wrong?!" Scourge snapped. Fiona slapped Scourge directly in the face. Everyone gasped. This feels like watching a drama again.

"You bastard! You wouldn't even want to hear these words! But I hope you know it's your fault for this!" Fiona cried. What's going to happen? Is Fiona going to break up with Scourge?

"Get to the point!" Scourge protested. Fiona's face became calm. Fiona heaved out a sigh.

"Scourge I'm pregnant." Fiona told him

Oh. My. Goodness.

My eyes widen as my jaw dropped. Everyone else had the same reaction, even the sluts. The room remained quiet. Even the lunch lady was in shock.

"Say something you coward!" Fiona demanded him.

"Um, who's the daddy...?" Scourge asked.

"It's you! Who else! I knew you could never understand! Your so childish and immature! How does anyone think the baby is gonna turn out?!" Fiona ranted.

"Why can't you just control your body?!" Scourge yelled at Fiona.

"I told you I said no Scourge! What am I going to say to my parents?!" Fiona argued getting into tears.

"Scourge you did this to her so your the dad now. Unless you want to adopt. If not your going to have to marry her." Mina said looking sternly into Scourge's eyes. Scourge looked at Fiona who is in tears.

"Sorry babe. Is there anything I could do?" Scourge asked.

"I don't want the baby knowing his dad is a man slut. So I don't want you harassing women anymore." Fiona stated. Scourge nodded. I smiled.

I just can't believe that happened.

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