Gotta Rush Things A Bit...

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, and I told you updates will be coming faster, now obviously I'm not going to post everyday, I wish I could but I could be a bit busy sometimes but until than don't worry about it ;) Enjoy!

-Amy's POV The Next Day At School-

Fiona doesn't seem to care that Mina is using her, and she knew what she said in the cafeteria was just a made up story. I hope all the preps decide to change one day, it would make everything so much easier.

Maria also said I'm doing very well but in the future remember to keep your temper under control, of course I yelled at her saying I didn't get angry at anyone. Frankly she was testing me. I felt so ashamed. But shook it off anyways.

I was tired at first period, I rested my head on my desk and listened to the announcements for once. The Mobius national anthem was finished so I just decided to listen.

"Dear all staff and students, our Homecoming dance is coming up in the beginning of next month, there are sign ups for the dance community by the office." I lifted my head up once they made that announcement. I looked around the room and saw Shadow, thank God he wasn't looking at me. That would have been embarrassing. I might have to rush things a bit, but I'm going to the dance with Shadow. What am I going to do about Maria though...? Ugh, I will figure it out later, right now I need to worry about myself.

-At Lunch-

Okay, if I need to plan ahead here it goes now, I walked over to Shadow's table. What do you really think I would ask him already?! NO WAY! Why would I ever do that? It's too early, and in front of all his friends too imagine if I get rejected!

"Hey Blaze may I speak with you for a second?" I asked Blaze, Blaze hesitated a bit but got up and walked with me into the bathroom.

"First, I need to ask you... um.. did Shadow ask anyone out to Homecoming yet?" I asked her. Blaze shook her head.

"Nope." She told me, I heaved out a sigh. Thank Goodness!

"Okay, how about we make a deal?" I asked Blaze. Blaze seemed confused and a bit scared. But she nodded anyways.

"How about if I help you get a date with Silver to Homecoming, you help me get a date with Shadow?" I asked her.

My plan was just marvelous! Everyone knows she's head over heels for Silver but she can't get him herself, and Blaze is the closest friend of Shadow's who doesn't have a crush on him.This would work if she would just accept and keep her word.

Blaze's face brightened after what I said, she was literally jumping up and down squealing. It's sad because even Mina doesn't do that. Even Sally doesn't do that. Sorry Blaze but that only happens in the movies.

"Yes!" Blaze shrieked. I hope Blaze doesn't act so desperate though, I'm trying to help her.

"You can't tell anyone about this okay? Not Shadow not even Maria!" I told her looking at her dead in the eye. Blaze nodded.

"You have to make sure you follow my instructions and tell me if anyone is flirting with Shadow, if he's wanting to ask out someone or if he already did. Just give me a progress report. Here's my number." I said taking her BlackBerry out of her pocket.

I added my contact and gave her back the phone.

"If we are able to work together and stuff I will help you get Silver. No lie." I said with an encouraging smile. Blaze smiled. She nodded and danced out of the bathroom. I grabbed her arm.

"Listen, Silver is one of the cutest guys in the school so girls are already asking. If we want this we have to rush things a bit now! I whispered at her. Blaze nodded.

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