I Hate School

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Hey guys if you didn't check out the interview, not much to say here though. But I just want to warn everyone not to get angry at Mina or anyone, just sit back, calm down, and punch a pillow or something.


-Amy's POV At School-

I was just walking into the hallway trying to find my first class, which is History. Hmmm... maybe I should take my time...

So I walked slower but slow enough to find Mina and Shadow holding hands! I stood there, frozen. But my rage was still alive, but than t just died down to... pure sadness. I felt the stone from my heart be removed as I held back my tears. I quickly noticed Shadow look in my direction, I moved and walked past him to someone who was handing out the school paper. I'm only doing it to distract me from him.

"Oh hi Amy! I hope you don't mind, but I made a column for you!" She told me, I stood there for a second.

"What?" I questioned her.

"Your Prom queen? Remember? I knew someone spiked the punch..." The girl said. I took the newspaper, it was a picture of me, and beside it was a picture of Shadow, than us together. I closed my eyes tightly and just payed attention to my part of the column. The one with my picture is about me, the one with Shadow is about Shadow, than the one with us together is just saying how great Prom was or something about the speeches, whatever it was.

I began to walk away from her, I stood near a corner just reading what they are saying about me, they are just saying stuff like I go to ballet lessons, I have good grades, how much people voted for me to be queen, wait.... how did they know I took ballet lessons?!?!?

But obviously in the newspaper they mentioned me as the Runaway Queen. I was shocked they knew so much about me without interviewing me.

"Shadow and Mina are such a cute couple!" I heard, I drew my attention away from the school newspaper.

"I totally ship them!" Another voice sang with a giggle.

"You guys are obviously late, they just got together today." I heard a female voice say. My eyes darted to Shadow and Mina, she was kissed him on the cheek. I couldn't help myself anymore, I walked as fast as I could with the stupid newspaper in my hands. I saw the thousands of pictures they took of Shadow and I. I couldn't take it anymore, I crumpled it but and threw t behind me, just leaving it there as I continued to walk to History class.

-In The Cafeteria-

I think my cheeks are already stained from all the sobbing, ever since I sat at this table with my friends, I just poured my heart out to them.

I had to face the truth somehow.

What was I thinking?

He rejected to go to Prom with me for a reason.


He said he loved me....

Yeah and you actually believe that. If he really meant it, you wouldn't be crying right now.

I looked up to finally see Fiona, I notice her glaring at me, I feel like it has been awhile, I than remembered the text message from I'mTheBae. I was about to tell Rouge but she spoke first.

"It's okay Ames, you know what I knew this would happen so I threatened Becky to go check the hottie list." Rouge said with an encouraging smile, I just rolled my eyes. Rouge slowly gave the paper to me, and I couldn't believe my eyes! I was first!

"Did you threaten her to put me there?!?!" I snapped full of shock.

"No lie!" Rouge shrieked.

"Here it comes..." I heard Sonia say with a sigh. Ignoring her Rouge and I released a loud squeal among the cafeteria. Than we couldn't help but laugh.

-Mina's POV-

I can't bear to look at her anymore. She is so annoying, sitting there and laughing in my face, and stupid Becky told me she took my spot! How dare she be first! She doesn't deserve it! I do! ME! And Prom queen too?!? I'm going to crush her! But than I realized something.

I am still in control.

I stole Amy's lover.

And I'm not at the bottom, I'm 1st below her... but I can still make her go to the bottom....

I smirked as I watch her pull out her banana out of her stupid but pretty cute lunch bag, I grinned as I thought of the perfect thing.

I stood up, to obviously get everyone's attention, they were probably wishing to see me again. I mean who wouldn't? My beauty is amazing.

"Wow Amy, I always knew you were a monkey!" I said nice and clear.

Everyone's heads turn to me, than to Amy, and bursted with laughs and giggles. Amy looked puzzled for a second, she than looked at her banana and walked away throwing her banana out on the way.

That was so humorous I had to laugh too, but I felt Shadow's presence leave me, I watch him follow Amy.

Oh no you don't!

I got up, and followed him.

-Amy's POV-

I held back my tears as I tried to find the bathroom, maybe I can hide in a stall, and cry in there. No one will notice me sobbing. I hate this stupid school I hate Mina! I started to think of Shadow calling Fiona a slut. Looks like he was right about us, but at least I changed! Anger boiled inside me as I fought back the tears. He is such a hypocrite! He calls us that, now look who he's dating! At least I changed!

I don't know how  could ever be friends with Mina, I don't even remember the reason why we are not friends anymore! Why does she hate me? Why does she have to take everything away from me!

I finally found the bathroom, but before I could go in, before I could release my tears, I heard a voice.


I turned around to see Shadow jogging up to me. I don't have time to deal with him right now. 

He finally stopped in front of me.

"What do you want?!" I snapped. Shadow looked shocked but I still didn't stop.

"What do you want from my life?!" I started yelling, I started taking the anger I had for Mina on him. Shadow was about to open his mouth to speak but I stopped him.

"Do you wanna play with my feelings some more? Go ahead they are already crushed!" I let my tears flow down my cheeks as I yelled at him.

"So what are you gonna do? Kiss me than go kiss Mina?! I'm sure she will enjoy that!" I screamed.

"Amy--" Shadow put his hand on my shoulder but I jerked it away

"Don't touch me!" I protested.

I saw Mina walk slowly until she stopped right beside Shadow, she put her arm around him, and put her free hand on his chest, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Where were you babe?" She asked smoothly.

I couldn't take watching this anymore.

I walked away.

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