Totally Not Awkward or anything...

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Hey guys, not trying to be a sellout or anything but... do you guys like Minecraft? If you do, my friend SilverStar1 made a Minecraft book and I sort of feel bad for her because it's her first book and  it isn't that popular and I like to encourage to continue to make stories. She made a small book and it's called "Minecraft Stay". She made another book called "Minecraft Hunger Games" it's her newest book. I don't know what is her next book or if she is adding a next chapter to that book. I'm not being pushy but follow her for details I guess. If you don't like Minecraft than it's okay don't worry about it. ;) Enjoy!

I know I told some of you there is a pic at the side but it didn't work. Sorry :(

-Amy's POV-

As I was walking down the halls I heard a voice call out my name, I turned around to see Sonic jogging towards me.

"Amy!" He yelled and continued jogging. He finally stopped in front of me without catching his breath.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I need your help, Sally wants me to take her out on a date." Sonic told me. I rolled my eyes of the thought of Sally and walked away.

"But wait! I need your help I don't know what to do! She always gets upset or pissed and I really want to make her happy this time!" Sonic pleaded.

I couldn't resist Sonic's pleading emerald eyes, no one could. I heaved out a sigh and nodded my head. I walked away. I'm going to do this the easiest way as possible. I finally found Sally talking to Julie-su.

I guess Sally thinks I'm still her friend.

"Hey Sally." I greeted her with a fake smile.

"Hey." She said with a smile back. Julie-su noticed one of the cheerleaders and went to go talk to them.

"Sally, may I have your advice?" I asked her.

"Sure, of course you can." Sally said.

"Great, I noticed you are picky when it comes to dates. So what type of date would you enjoy?" I asked her. Sally thought for a moment before she gave me her answer.

"Dinner dates are not the best, I prefer picnics. I don't like sitting on grass but it's more private. You don't want to kiss in a restaurant where everyone see's you right?" Sally asked. I nodded with a smile. I said my thanks than texted Sonic.

Me: Hey

Sonic: Did u ask yet

Me: yea

Sonic: sooooo...?

Me: Just take her on a picnic

Sonic: .....

Me: Wut?

Sonic: Where do you have picnics?

Me: *face palm*

Sonic: Don't act like u never went on a picnic either!

Me: ugh, I'll take u 2 1 during lunch

Sonic: yay

I put my cell phone away and fell on the ground, I looked around and saw Maria on the ground too. I glanced at my cell phone to see if it's broken, it's not. Thank Goodness! But my purse fell so all my gum, mints, lip gloss and a few papers fell out. I quickly stood up, grabbed my purse than glanced at Maria who is currently still on the floor.

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