The New Kid

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Hey guys hope you liked the last chapter, and spoiler alert. Shadow is in this chapter! Yay! So I just hop now you Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

My friends and I were gossiping a bit about girls wearing the same thing over the summer. Apparently Sally was one of those girls. I don't really like Sally.

In grade 8 I trusted Sally, I told her I had a crush on Sonic and about 2 months after she started going out with him. Like what the hell?! Sonic and I are good friends now, but Sally treats him horribly.

As I was walking I saw this tall black hedgehog, he looked so hot. I tried to check him out more, I could see Rouge and everyone else too. I looked at Mina.

I remember that look!

Mina is looking at the guy the same way how she was looking at me in middle school! That means he's going to be a prep too! I smiled as me and my friends started walking towards him.

Apparently the mystery guy caught Scourge pushing Tails around with Jet.

"Stop! Cut it out! Ouch!" Tails yelled trying to avoid them.

"Please stop your hurting him!" Cosmo pleaded. Cosmo is Tails girlfriend, she always tries to help but nothing works.

He than started walking towards Tails. Mina, Sally, Julie-su, Rouge, Fiona and I started walking faster.

If he helps Tails than he can't be a prep! He's going to get bullied himself!

"Hey! Leave him alone!" The mystery protested. Everyone stopped and looked at Shadow.

"And how are you going to stop me?" Scourge asked him.

"Why are you bothering him? And why isn't anyone helping him?" The mystery guy asked.

"Oh your the new kid here right? I'll let you off this one time. Let me show you how this school works." Scourge said.

"Over there are the preps, you know the popular rich ones. They don't really care who gets bullied here." Scourge introduced us. Mina flipped her hair, I flashed a confident smile while Rouge did a flirty one.

"Those are the jocks, they are popular too." Scourge introduced Knuckles, Silver and every other jock.

"Those are the sluts, those are the gamers, those are the perky cheerleaders, those are the nature freaks...." Scourge took his time showing Shadow around.

"And those are the nerds, Tails, Cosmo, Maria, Espio and Blaze." Scourge said.

"Hey how come he gets to know their names!" Sally whined. Scourge heaved out a sigh.

"Fine! That's Sally the annoying one of that group, the purple haired girl is Mina who is leader, the sexy fox over there is Fiona my girlfriend, the surprisingly un perky cheerleader is Julie-su, the flirty one over there is Rouge, and the cute one over there is Amy." Scourge finally finished.

"How come mine is bad!" Sally whined again.

"Shut up!" Jet snapped as Wave chuckled.

"Oh, and hon, you don't really want to mess with us. Wondering witch group your in. Right there." Becky pushed Shadow where Tails and all of the other dorks were.


Fiona face palmed while Mina and I frowned. Whatever, I'll get over it soon.

-At lunch time-

Of course we were happily eating our food and talking. Silver was at our table so Blaze had to come and say hi.

"I am so happy she's not our friends anymore! She was so out of control at that party it would be embarrassing to talk to her in public again!" Sally complained.

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