Oh My Goodness... Again!

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Hey guys, so yes Fiona is preggo! Lol I'm pretty sure the story would be more interesting if it was her point of view but to bad! Lol. But anyways if you like Minecraft than check out Silverstar1 she made a book called "Minecraft Hunger Games" and it's a new book and sadly only has four reads... but I'm helping her so go check her out. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV  the next day at school- 

Scourge has become more of a gentlemen ever since the 'incident'. I spotted Fiona wearing Sourge's jacket walking down the halls. Lots of people were looking at her in a nice way some were in a bad way. People kept handing her gifts for the baby and stuff. The ones that hated her were calling her 'slut' behind her back and stuff. But Fiona didn't really care. She seemed really happy.

-At lunch- 

"The preps are getting so much attention! I think all of us should get pregnant!" Mina squealed. 

"Not without my permission first." Manic added with a pout.

"Manic your not my father so hush." Rouge said with an eye roll. 

"Besides, I don't think getting pregnant would work for Amy, it's just going to be sad." Sally added. I glared at Sally.

This girl really wants to annoy me today...

"I think it's going to be sad for you to Sally." I said with a smile. All the jocks at our table laughed so hard. Rouge had to giggle, Julie-su buried her face than started laughing, Mina gave me a high five than had a small laugh and Manic died of laughter. 

Suddenly one of the cheerleaders came to whisper in Julie-su's ear, than Julie-su ran off with her. 

Later all the cheerleaders came walking into the cafeteria with Mackenzie the cheer captain in front of all of them and Julie-su beside her. Julie-su is co captain. Julie-su held a bouquet of flowers and Mackenzie holding a box covered neatly in wrapping paper. Mackenzie is a beige hedgehog with long brown curly hair.She's very pretty.

The whole cafeteria stopped talking and glanced at the cheerleaders making their way to our table. Once they were at our table they stopped. Mackenzie smiled at Fiona.

"This is a gift, to Fiona's baby. I wish you good luck with him or her and so do we." Mackenzie said with a warm smile. Julie-su handed her the flowers and Mackenzie handed her the mystery box. 

Julie-su carefully opened the box, she pulled out a bunch of diapers, a two baby bottles, a card and a turquoise baby hat. 

The card said: 


I hope you enjoy your new baby! So does the rest of the cheer squad! I hope your ready to take this much responsibility and please give me a call I would like to see the new baby. But anyways I can't wait!

God bless you!

(I don't know if you actually believe in God or not, you had sex before marriage so I'm not sure...)

Fiona finished reading the card with a laugh. Later I called Shadow over to eat lunch with us.  Maria was scared to death, I smirked.  Sorry Maria but you had enough time with him. This would make Shadow more popular right? 

"Ugh, why over all people you invite him Ames?" Sonic asked me. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sonic stop being a brat and be nice." I said with an eye roll.

"Yes Sonic, stop being a brat and be nice." Shadow said with a smirk. 

"These guys are going to fight like cats and dogs in the future." Rouge said. 

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