Not Everything Is Fine

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Hey guys glad you enjoyed the last chapter, I'm pretty sure you guys will like this one too, and I have already planned a way to finish this book, but I don't know what I will do until then, I want to make things go slow so you smartie pants won't become suspicious lol. Well here's the new chapter. Oh and just saying, you guys don't want to miss a single part of this story, just saying. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV Wherever Mephiles Is Taking Me-

I'm still being dragged by Mephiles, but I love every second of it, finally we entered a building then he pulled me in a corner, he looked at me deeply in the eyes and put on my hoodie.

"I don't think you would find it fun if the fans start bothering you," He told me, I nodded my head as I daydreamed.

"We are going to need disguises then, come on," He said before dragging me off again.

-15 mins later-

After fooling around in salons and clothes shops, I'm now a Blondie with a green tracksuit with a candy obsession and Mephiles is a teenager wearing dark blue tracksuit with an old man's mustache. Of course we did nothing to our physical bodies, we just wore wigs. We goofed off as we changed before Mephiles brought me to an amusement park. The theme was Sonic X so that was most likely the reason why we changed.

"Yo, yo my homie, check out my mustache girl," Mephiles told me as we walked in the park.

"You are extremely in polite to a lady. Please apologize," I informed him with a fake British accent.

"Bro, come on we need to go on the spin dash, it's off the chain!" Mephiles hollered as he continued to act like a stupid, immature teenager.

"No, de spin dash is scary," I told him changing my British accent to a Scottish accent, when Mephiles couldn't help it anyone, he started laughing so hard that tears fell down his eyes, I started to laugh to, I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Many people were staring at me but I didn't really care, it's not like they knew I was actually the new famous Amy Rose.

"Okay, so how about we go play some games?" I asked him in a normal tone as we walked around.

"Whatever you say dawg," He said as he stuck a piece sign in the air, I started to laugh and lightly punch him in the shoulder.

"Stop your acting too weird now," I told him as I continued to giggle.

"What am I embarrassing you? Yo this is my girlfriend!" Mephlies yelled as he pointed at me, I punched him in the shoulder, hard this time and ran off giggling, I knew Mephiles was only kidding and that he's just doing it for the sake of our disguise but he is too hilarious and I am actually a bit embarrassed. I stopped at one of the game boothes and hid in the corner, I turned around and faced the wall, I was calm and quiet before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around, to become nose to nose with Mephiles, Mephile's hand was on the wall and my face was burning up. I nervously giggled as I escaped and stood in front of the game booth, Mephiles followed me and stood beside me. The guy standing inside the booth noticed us.

"This game is called extreme ring toss, the point of the game is to throw the rings and making sure it lands around the clown's skinny body," The booth guy told us dully, I picked up one of the fat rings and looked at the tiny toy clowns on a metallic table, the clowns were small but they had bobble heads.

"Start when the clock says 'go'," He yawned, I took a look at the clock.





I started to slowly toss the rings but missed each time, the clowns were moving each time I would try to toss it, when I looked to my right, I could see Mephiles throwing the rings like crazy, I started to giggle.

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