Amy Vs Mina

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, and yes the title again. It's way more shocking than the last chapter title lol. But look, it's March Break so update will come faster, no promises because I don't want to accidentally break my promise but it most likely will so yeah that's basically the news for today I guess. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV The Next Day-

I tried to remember my promise I made to Maria, well I didn't promise. But I knew I had to try, Maria went easy on me though, she said for now just mind your own business, if you don't like something just keep it to yourself. And of course everyone knows she smiled after that. I think I'm going to try something a little more than that though, if I become silent and weird I might get ditched. Maybe I should stand up to people like Shadow did, after that day he had a great reputation. Not that good to the bullies and jocks though, the preps didn't really care. They might care after they find out what I become...

My mother dropped me off at school, I tried to look for Rouge or someone but I couldn't find them. I tried to turn back to get in the car but mother already left. I was panicking, a prep can't be alone like this, nice or not.

I heard a bunch of screaming and laughter, I turned my head to see Scourge and Jet pushing Tails onto the ground and calling him names. I looked around for Shadow, looks like he's not at school yet. Well what am I supposed to do?! Finally my stupidity disappeared, Maria was at school, she was looking straight at me excepting me to do something. Are you kidding me?! She wants me to get into that?! I slowly took a deep breath and walked up to them.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I protested marching my way up to them. Scourge didn't even look at me.

"Is that you Shadow? You sound just like a girl, you didn't get puberty yet didn't you?" Scourge said. Scourge finally turned around to come face to face with me, a crowd slowly formed around us, Scourge smirked, he loves attention. Especially when he gets a chance to embarrass others.

I stood there looking straight at him without looking back at the crowd, I would probably actually get really scared if I did that.

"Amy Rose, what a surprise! So it looks like we got a new hero here!" Scourge said with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.

"Just leave him alone Scourge, he's crying." I stated softly looking at Tail's watery eyes, poor guy, I have never seen someone cry in high school. He got it bad though, he had to deal with this everyday and he's too weak to stand up for himself. And if he does it gets worse, and when his friends get involved it gets even worse. It's about time the preps change! And stand up for other people! These nerds.. um... people can't stand up for themselves, it's time to stand up for each other.

If a jock or prep were in this situation, they wouldn't care, they would just diss them back or take away their popularity. The thing with these.. uh people is they don't have as much confidence as preps do, because their confidence was taken away from this bullying thing. Now I understand, Fiona is a nerd.. um sorry person but she isn't getting bullied so her confidence is still with her.

"Just leave him alone Scourge, what did Tails ever do to you?" I asked him. Tails was to shocked to even speak.

"Why should I leave him alone?" Scourge asked me. I got a bit annoyed, this wasn't as easy as I thought it was. I kissed my teeth.

"Scourge leave him alone he's not crying because of what your doing he's crying because of your bad breath!" I shrieked while holding my nose. Everyone gasped and there was some laughter in the crowd.

Okay that was a bit mean. But being mean to a bully is okay right?

Hhhmmm Maria did say treat people the way you want to be treated...

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