Back And Better Than Ever

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-Amy's POV-


Okay, so Shadow and I are not on good terms now. But I can't take this any longer, the more I stare at how beautiful Mephiles is the more I regret going on that stupid 'date' with him. Besides, I know he would forget about it soon. He did so many bad things to me, the worst of all of them was tell me he loved me and rejected me on the same day. I forgave him and moved on, it's not like what I did would ever sum up to the thousands of stuff he did.

But when I tried to look for him, and eventually found him in the coffee shop, my jaw dropped. There who sat across from him was not only a purple haired crush stealing bum, but so much more than that in other words... Mina Green.

I had no rage at all, it was like the words 'I love you' he gave to me was only to make me feel good, yes it was my fault but how could I deserve this? I started to feel the tears coming but I didn't let any fall, my heart almost skipped a beat and I felt a sour feeling in my gut.

All of those memories at prom, homecoming, the dates, the date where he rejected me, the date with Mina's scent on him and even more thought flew through my mind. Those soothing words, the feeling that made my stomach tingle. Gone. All gone. Why does Mina have to ruin everything, over all things why the one I love? I started to wish I never joined her group, that I wore ugly boots and wore knockoffs on the first day of middle school when I changed schools. I started to crouch down to my knees but the only thing touching the ground was my shoes, I was in a squat position and the noise in the room kept interrupting my thoughts so I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight. I couldn't help the feeling inside of me anymore and let out a yell, I didn't care if anyone thought I was crazy, the only thing they would probably do is call paparazzi. I knew all eyes were on me, without even looking at the table where Shadow and Mina were sitting I just ran away, that was probably the fastest I have ever run ever. As I ran memories started coming back.

Memories of me texting Shadow

Memories of me kissing him

Memories of me at the park with him

Memories of me dancing with him

Then the bad memories starting coming

"Shadow and Mina are totally a cute couple!" That was the memory from the day after Prom, about three girls were talking about shipping them together.

"I totally ship them!"

"Maybe he did it because he forgot to take his meds today," The memory of Shadow accidentally punching Mina in the cafeteria.

"You know what's the simplest things of life? Minding your own business," The time where I bumped into Maria in the hallway and called her a klutz.

"Can you guys like, get a room or something?"

"That's Amelia to you,"

"Look, I already moved on, and you can too,"

No matter where I went  felt like I was bumping into my problems everywhere I go. When I got to the hotel, Rouge was the only one there to see me looking like a hot mess.

-End of Flashback-

 I was sobbing out loud, Rouge has never seen me like this. None of my friends have ever seen my cry in front of their face.

 "Calm down Amy, what happened to you!" She tried to comfort me by yelling over my cries, no matter how much I want to stop I couldn't. It's like all my emotions exploded.

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