I'm going on a date... for the first time...

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, so before any of you get bored with the story, let me just tell you there is going to be a lot of surprises. I'm just not doing them now because I don't want to rush anything. Also because I don't know how to play it off. I'm just kidding! I feel like the story is boring but you guys seem to like it but still what do I know, it's not like I'm the reader or anything. But anyways hope you vote please or comment whatever and don't forget to Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

We're doing some reading assignment in class. We had to read the first three chapters than answer the questions the teacher wrote on the board. It. Was. Boring. I finally finished the last question. 


I took out my Ipod and saw there was a text message that was left for me. I looked at the contact. It was Shadow. 

Shadow: Hey

Me: How did you get me?!

Shadow: I can't tell you that.

Me: Y

Shadow: Bcuz

Me: kmt fine don't text me, I'm only adding you 2 my contacts to send u chain letters

Shadow: k btw I thought Sally was dating Sonic 

Me: She is. :l

Shadow: Than y did I c u drive off with Sonic @ skool

Me: KMT mind ur own business! And we're not dating!

Shadow: ok

Me: ur not tht bad

Shadow: wut does tht mean

Me: idk I guess I could talk 2 u in public

Shadow: wut about my friends?


Shadow: y

Me: bcuz

Shadow: =_=

Me: g2g teacher might c me ttyl

Shadow: l8tr

There. That gives me more of a chance with him. Right? I can't stop looking at him and talking to him, it's not joke I'm in love. But I fell in love with Sonic the same way. But this time I'm not letting another girl take the one I love away again.

-After school at Amy's house-

"So what was that so important thing you needed to talk to me about?" Rouge said interrupting my thoughts.

My parents are not home yet so I invited Rouge over.

"Oh Rouge darling! You cannot believe it! I'm in love!" I cried out dramatically. Rouge stayed silent for a few seconds to see if I was joking. After it got awkward she finally gave her thoughts. 

"So who's the unlucky guy?" Rouge asked. I sent her a death glare before she could say 'sorry'.

"Don't laugh okay?" I told her. Rouge nodded her head waiting patiently.

"Shadow." I answered. Rouge stayed silent again.

"But you just met him." Rouge stated. I glared at Rouge again which made her laugh.

Two Different Crowds (ShadAmy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora