Drama Before Talk shows

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-Amy's POV-

I don't know what happened, I'm just sitting down with Mrs. Grey across from me, she sits across form me, the only light is from the window which is next to her.

"We have been told that you were doing some inappropriate stuff, this could not be taken easily because many students were punished many times for something that you did," Mrs. Grey told me, She narrowed her eyes at me. I had no idea what she was talking about, she continued once she saw the puzzled look on my face.

"We had received some photos from of you breaking school rules. This is a problem because other students... Scourge... was blamed for your actions," Mrs. Grey informed me as she mumbled Scourge's name. I still had no idea what she was talking about, without looking at me Mrs. Grey slid the pictures to me, I looked at the pictures. There was one with me pulling the fire alarm, I felt my jaw drop. This makes no sense, but then I started to remember about Shadow telling me that Mina used pictures of Scourge and replaced them with me. I took the picture and tried to put it to the light, but it wasn't bright enough to see the picture.

"I didn't do any of these! I would never wear a yellow skirt!" I protested showing Mrs. Grey the photo shopped picture about me pulling the fire alarm.

"I'm sorry Amelia, but it's photo proof. You're an official Sonic character, so we don't think we can suspend you. But when we check with your boss, we will figure out what to do," Mrs Grey informed me, I started to feel tears form up in my eyes. Everything that goes fine, Mina just has to ruin it.

"I did nothing!" I cried. Just then the lights turned on.

"Oh look, the power is back on. It's been out ever since Mina left," I heard Mrs. Grey mumble as she got out a file from her desk. Most likely mine.

"I put back on the lights, Mrs. Grey. Now that, that's done I can show you the real pictures," Shadow said as he entered the room, I felt my heart skip a beat. I was so glad he was here to come even after what I did. I owe him a huge apology. Shadow placed the real photos on the table, Mrs. Grey put the pictures to the light and grinned. She put the fake ones to the light, narrowed her eyes a but, then nodded her head. I heaved out a sigh in relief.

"Thank you Shadow, for delivering the real pictures and fixing the lights. Amelia, I am so sorry for blaming you, you both can go," Mrs. Grey told us calmly. I nodded my head with a bright smile on my face and walked out the office with Shadow, I had the sudden urge to hug Shadow but kept my cool.

"Hey, thanks for getting me out of--"

"Don't let it go to your head," He spat, my facial expression changed suddenly. I didn't understand, I thought he liked me now. He glared at me, his piercing red eyes felt as if they were firing missiles at my jade green eyes. I felt my heart start to pump faster as my hands started to sweat and my face grew hot.

"I did it for the fans. Not you," He stated then walked away from me, I felt tears at the back of my eyes. I wanted to sob again, as he walked away I started to remember that stupid teddy bear joke I made up. Why, why why? I feel as if I regret meeting Mephiles now, it's not worth it. Neither are his good looks, I want Shadow now. I can't accept the fact that he hates me. Does he hate me? Before I let anymore tears fall down my face, I felt a gentle rumble in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and noticed I put it on vibrate. I got a text message from Rouge.

Rouge: We have 2 go 2 a talk show with some lady who needs 2 give me fashion tips ASAP! When u c her, she will look fine but when I snuck into her closet I almost fainted. And Mina actually did faint. Anyways, I txted u the address, she looks familiar but idk so come quickly. Maybe u can recognize her...

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