Gonna Get My Shadow

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Hey guys yes I know late posting whatever. I. Am. Sorry. :) But guys I can't spoil it but plot twist are coming so please don't hate me and stuff okay? Also I tried to resist replying to your comments but I couldn't do it! XD You guys are hilarious! But anyways, this book is soooo far from being finished but my next book is so good from now! In that book, when you see it's rated PG 13 take it seriously lol. In my other books I was a bit imature but this book you have to be a bit mature so YOLO! Lol, but it's not going to be that bad I don't think there will be swear words but so far it's pretty good. I didn't write anything I'm just thinking about it lol. But there will be plot twist so read it anyways hopefully you guys will like it but that is not going to happen in a LOOOOOONG time so... Enjoy!

PS: I updated the book cover!

-Amy's POV At School-

It's the next day at school, I entered the school with Rouge to see a huge crowd. Of course Rouge had to see what was going on so she pushed her way to the crowd. When I finally got there, there was two girls from the Prom committee handing out flyers and answering questions.

"What's this years theme?" Rouge asked seeming really interested. One of the perky girls from the Prom committee looked at her and smiled.

"We have no theme this year. Again." She said with a wide smile, her smile was so big it almost looked fake. Rouge kissed her teeth, took two flyers and walked away. I rolled my eyes as I walked off with her.

"I don't understand why our school is so cheap." I snapped, Rouge nodded her head. Well I'm going to Prom with Shadow this year no matter if Mina likes it or not! Speaking of which...

I spotted Mina and Shadow talking, jelousy grew over me as I made my way over there, I felt my face getting hot the faster I make my way over there. I stopped right next to Shadow and glared at Mina who glared back at me.

"Hey Shadow!" I greeted him with a fake smile, I looked over my shoulder quickly to see Rouge watching me, chuckling a bit.

"Hey Ames." He greeted me back, I glared at Mina one last time before I could face Shadow again.

"Can I talk to you alone for a second please?" I asked him. Shadow nodded and grabbed my hand, when he grabbed my hand I felt my face get hot. He pulled me into a corner and waited for me to speak.

"Do you want to go out tonight?" I asked him with a confident smile, Shadow frowned but I tried to keep my innocence.

"Sorry, I'm going out with Mina tonight." He says, I felt rage take over me as my face got hot, I glared at him but closed my eyes so I could calm down.

"I thought you didn't even like Mina! That's not fair!" I almost yelled, Shadow looked shocked for a second but shook it off.

"She's actually not that bad now, in fact she's just like you." He said with a grin, I froze for a second. Mina is nothing like me! How can he compare her to me?! I would actually say that was a compliment a few months ago but now it sounds like an insult. It sounds like a diss. I laughed nervously to cover up my rage.

"She is nothing like me." I said while fake laughing, Shadow smiled.

"Yeah, you guys are like twins. Or should I say 'besties'." Shadow said as he air quoted 'besties'. I glanced at him for awhile.

"No I'm not." I said a bit more serious than walked away. What's wrong with me? I tried to keep those thoughts at the back of my head as I walked to my locker.

"Hello Amy." I heard a familiar voice call my name. I know exactly who it is, I closed my eyes and heaved out a sigh. I turned around to face Mina. What?! I felt like yelling at her but I kept my peace. I glared at her, she let her long purple hair fall to her sides, and her eyes read 'troublemaker' and a sly smirk played on her lips. I just glared at her.

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