Flirting isn't that easy...

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Hey guys can I tell you something crazy? The day I uploaded the story, I went to update my status that the book is out. Than I in boxed some of my fans and told them it was out. So than I added the story and already found out it got 15 reads. I'm like O_O because I just don't know how I got so many reads so fast! So some of my fans replied so I replied to them, my friend helped me with some of my mistakes which only took 2 minutes or less. I went back to see and I got 25 reads. And I'm sitting there like O_o just wondering how did I get all this people?! I remember my first book too WEEKS before people noticed it but it's so easy now! Before I starting writing I checked and got 99 reads and I can't just explain my reaction to that so thanks to everyone who were supporting me and is keep supporting me you guys are the best! 

Pic of Amy at the side ===> (I tried to make it a ballet picture but I didn't get the one I wanted)

-Amy's POV-

It's Saturday, and every Saturday morning it's time for ballet classes. Ballet classes are really fun, the teacher is sort of strict though. The best part is my friend Mina is there with me!

Mina and I aren't best friends but we're trustworthy together. Every ballet class we would talk a lot and no lie would escape from our mouths. I gained Mina's trust easily.

Maybe I gain Mina's trust easily because when I told her who I like she doesn't go out with him!

It's not good to hold a grudge but I'm trying to get over that. But Mina and I would truthfully talk about anything and it doesn't have to be gossip. We would talk crushes, girl problems, period anything! I could talk that with Rouge too but it feels different when I talk to Mina.

"Hey Amy, can I tell you something?" Mina asked me.

"You practically told me your life ever since our first ballet class." I said with a chuckle.

"Okay, um. You know that new kid? I think he's sort of cute." Mina said without looking at me.

"Oh great me too." I said.

Mina looked at me and I looked back at her. We were staring at each other forever which seemed a bit awkward.

We than broke into laughter. I'm glad we both have the same taste in men. This may be a problem but we're not going out with him anyways.

"He's a little annoying though." Mina said with an eye roll. I had to agree with her about that.

"Okay everyone quiet down! I am giving you an assignment that is due in 3 weeks. It's easy so I don't want any complaining! I will group you into groups of 3 and you must work together to create a dance routine using all the positions on the board." Mrs. Valerie told us.

"You will need to choose your own music, which of course has to be played by an orchestra and must be instrumental." Mrs. Valerie added.

Mrs. Valerie than started calling out than started calling out names:

"Vanessa, Margret and Alicia." She called out. Than the girls started running towards each other squealing at each other. Mina and I were crossing our fingers hoping we will become in a group.

Mrs. Valerie called a few other names before she called my name.

"Amy, Mina and Maria." Mrs. Valerie called out. Mina and I rushed to each other and started talking again. Than Maria came and it started to get awkward.

"Um, okay how about tonight we can work on this." Mina suggested.

"Um, sorry I'm busy." Maria told us. Mina and I looked at each other and back at Maria.

Two Different Crowds (ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now