Chapter 26

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I know Bellatrix was in her 40's when this happened in the story, but I'm going to make her a bit younger to fit this storyline.

Hermione was sitting at the breakfast table, along with her parents and Narcissa Malfoy, Draco was coming back from Hogwarts so Lucius had gone to collect him.
It had all been a little awkward , Hermione had never even spoken to Rodulphus properly. Even so, her eyes had been opened after visiting Dumbledore last week, and she was willing to give her new parents a chance. She had two weeks to settle in, and now she was going to start being more friendly.

"Hermione, tell me something about you, I haven't been able to see you, but I have taken today specially," Rodulphus said.

"What do you want to know?" Hermione said unenthusiastically.

"What was your life like before?" Her father asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"I lived with my parents and my cat. I'm a Gryffindor.."

Rodulphus spat out his drink and glared at his daughter. "A Gryffindor? No daughter of mine will be a Gryffindor! Bella, sort her out.."

"The girl has no choice Rod, leave her alone," Bellatrix sighed, "it's too late now,"

Then Bellatrix bit her lip and stood up suddenly. "Please excuse me, I.... Need to...." She said before covering her mouth and running off.

Narcissa rolled her eyes. "I told her not to eat this morning. She never listens,"

Hermione smiled. "Narcissa, may Go to library with Bellatrix later on today?"

Narcissa smiled and stood up. "Come here you silly girl," she grinned. Hermione walked up and Narcissa hugged her. As she hugged her, Draco burst into the dining room.


"Nice to see you as well cousin," Hermione muttered sarcastically.

"Cousin..?" Draco spat. "Mother, what is happening?"

Narcissa went over to her son and spoke to him quietly. "Draco, do you remember when I told you about Cordelia?"

"Yes, Bellatrix's baby. Why are you telling me this mother?" He said impatiently.

"Well Hermione...Is Cordelia," Narcissa said as lightly as she could.

"Well...." Draco said, looking at Hermione. "Hello, Hermione,"

"Wow," Hermione said laughing. "I think that's the first time you've called me by my first name,"

"Well, I don't have any other cousins, I better get used to you,"

"That's not true," Hermione objected. "What about Nympha..."

"Hermione, not now!" Bellatrix interrupted. "Now, Hermione, Rodulphus, join me in the living room." Then Bellatrix hesitated for a moment. "On second thought, just Hermione,"

Very confused, Hermione followed her mother into one of the living rooms, and sat down on a black sofa uncomfortably.

"Hermione, remind me, who did you live with in your old household?" Bellatrix asked.

"It was just me and my parents, and Crookshanks, but does the cat count?"

"You had no siblings?"

"No. But I get that now, I was adopted. But I guess I always wanted a little sister."

Bellatrix crossed her legs and sat up straiter. "Hermione, how old do you think I am?"


"That's just being nice. I'm 38."

"You look good for 38,"

"Thank you," Bellatrix laughed. "Hermione, ever since you stepped foot in this house I have searched for something we have in common. I have come to realise that we have absolutely nothing in common, apart from eyes and blood,"

"Is that good or bad?"

"Anyway, than I started thinking. If there is nothing we both love, how about we create someone we both love?"

"Are we getting another cat?"

"No silly!" Bellatrix said, laughing again. "Your going to be a big sister!"

Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now