005 - Evolution

357 19 28

Song of the Chapter: Laguna - Eminence (Trance)

(Monstercat's POV)

The night is full of music and laughter, and I swear Noisestorm can get high on oxygen. Phantom reappears at around two in the morning, along with Hellberg and a couple of other artists. Phantom seems happy that his smuggled music is being used for something good, and I get a bubbly feeling whenever I listen to it. It's so good. I feel it in my soul.

We play lots of songs, and I love to watch the reactions of their artists as they come on. Some seem almost embarrassed-ly happy, others laugh and sing along, but the best reactions are the ones that jump up and down, like they'd never thought someone would play their song. For the first time in a while, I actually feel happy. Being with other people who love the same things I do and treat me normally makes me laugh. I haven't laughed in a while.

We all crash at about three thirty in the morning. When I wake up, I find myself curled up like an actual Earth cat in Fij's sleeping bag and wonder where he is. Yawning, I climb out and blink in the morning sun. Most of the others managed to make it to someone's tent, but Tristam is on the ground near the ashes of the fire and Noisestorm is literally sleeping in a bush, his hood pulled over his face and tightened so only his nose and mouth are showing.

I wander over and wonder if I should wake them, and then decide against it. While they're all sleeping, I head back to the river. I wonder where it leads. In my home world rivers always led somewhere important. Timidly, I step into the ice cold water and shudder, but continue onward. The cold shock keeps my thoughts grounded when they start to wander.

I'm not sure how long I walk, but eventually, I can see a bridge in the distance, with some buildings surrounding it. That must be Vancouver. I pick up my pace and climb out, running on all fours up to the bridge.

Cars race over it, once they get past the officers patrolling the road just before it. The officers seem bored, and the people in the cars barely have time to roll down their windows before they're waved forward.

I bet we could get in, easily. We could get more supplies, if nothing else. Excited, I race back to tell the artists my plan. I know they have a truck. We could sneak everyone in and start our rebellion. I pause briefly. What if they are trying to be peaceful? Rebellions aren't always the most peaceful things. I shrug off the feeling. If they feel this passionate about their music, they're bound to go along with my plan.

I come back to Stephen freaking out. "Where have you been?" he demands. "I thought we'd lost you."

"You care that much?" I grin at him. "I've been exploring. I have an idea."

"About what?" Ephixa is wide awake, and practically jumping around.

"Getting into Vancouver. Follow me." I start forward, but pause.

"We can't get in," Tristam says, rubbing his back that must be aching after sleeping on the cold, hard ground. "Trust me, I tried. They patrol the bridge and every other way in."

"They looked super bored. They let in everyone without even checking." I rub my paws together in anticipation. "We can just sneak in, like normal drivers."

Tristam looks doubtful, but Noisestorm, still half asleep, shouts, "Oh, yeah, WE'RE GOING TO VANCOUVER!"


(Evee's POV)

I rub my necklace nervously and continue my roam through the forest. What was I thinking, leaving my home like that? I shake my head. I know what I'd been thinking. My father had wanted to burn my violin, saying it would "attract too much attention from the Music Industry". We do live in Vancouver, the MI's base, and I understand his caution, but then he took it too far and tried to destroy everything - my stories, my books, my drawings, my music. I got in the way and he tried to hurt me. I don't understand that part. He was so worried about staying safe that he forgot about his own daughter.

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