066 - Devotion

329 13 41

Song of the Chapter: Devotion - Tristam (Electronic)

(Evee's POV)

"I can't go any farther," Nitro Fun says, breathing hard.

"Okay. We'll rest for a little bit," Joel says.

We find a fallen log and Nitro gently sits down, wincing as he tests his cracked ribs. I sit next to him, Joel on my other side.

"This is pointless," Nitro mumbles. "We're going to die. Where are we even going?"

"The city," I say. "Right, Joel?"

"The city," he agrees.

"The city? Are you kidding me?" Nitro nearly shouts. "The city is a death trap! What do you think we're gonna do there, tough guy? They're going to kill us if we go back there! And I don't really feel like dying right now, FYI." He takes a deep breath to keep shouting, but starts coughing violently.

"It's our only chance of survival," Joel says, his voice rising in anger. "We need food and we need water, and while it's possible to find them in the forest, I'd rather not, wise guy."

"Then I guess our chances of survival are close to zero, then, aren't they? We're all gonna die!"

"Aren't you just a little bucket of sunshine?"

"Oh, shut up, a - "

"Hey!" I cut him off before he swears at Joel. "Both of you, knock it off. We'll make it, okay? Remember what Tristam said earlier. We're only going to fail - or die - if we say we are. Are we going to die?"

"Yes," Nitro mutters. "Wait, no. Gamers don't die. They respawn. I'm gonna survive. Sorry guys. Tough luck."

"See? It's getting better already."

He cracks a smile. "Yeah. I guess it is. You have that effect on people."

"No one can stay angry with you around," Joel adds.

I smile shyly and they both laugh.

We get moving again after a few minutes, and find ourselves close to the bridge around nighttime. "We'll stop here," Joel determines. "In the morning, we can figure out how to cross the bridge back into the city." He sits down against a tree, setting down his sword, and stretches his arms, yawning. "You guys get some sleep. I'll take first watch."

"But you're exhausted," I protest.

"So are you," he points out.

"Oh, shut up with the cute lovey dovey stuff and let him take it," Nitro grumbles, struggling to sit down without hurting himself. "You can take next watch. I'll sleep. Good night." He takes off his jacket and bunches it up to make a pillow, and then curls up on his unwounded side and lays down gently. His back is pressed up against a tree, across from Joel, and he sighs and closes his eyes after watching us for a second. "Thanks, guys," he mumbles, already drifting off.

Once he's sure Nitro is asleep, Joel takes off his own jacket and lays it on top of the younger artist. When he sits back down, Nitro takes the corner and gently pulls it tighter around his shoulders, smiling a little in his sleep.

I sit down next to Joel and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Get some sleep," he mutters.

"I'm staying awake with you," I say.

"Then we'll both be too tired to travel."

"I'll be fine." I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh forest air.

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