017 - Discovery (014)

222 18 15

Song of the Chapter: Video Boy - Soulero (Electro)

All other covers used after this have nothing to do with the chapter - again, I just wanted the title and that's it.

(Tristam's POV)

I pull myself to my feet and rub my eyes. Sleeping on the ground by the dumpsters isn't a great idea. "Come on," I mumble, helping Braken up. He sways and almost falls over. "How much sleep did you get?"

"Three minutes," he answers. "Now marks the thirty sixth hour since I last slept for real."

"Let's get you back." I stretch and stumble toward the street.

"Me? What about you?"

"I'm fine. I slept a little." I let him hold on to my arm as we head back so that he can stay upright. He drags his feet, slowing us down, but I don't really mind. Maybe I should stop at a coffee shop or something so I can have the energy to take him back, except I left my wallet at the hotel.

We stagger together toward a bench and I tell him to sit down with me while I ask if anyone can pick us up. As soon as he's down, he leans his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. I let him rest and send out a quick request to Monstercat or one of the others.

Nitro is the first to pick up. "They live," he announces. "Hey guys, what's up?" Before I can answer, he says, "Hey - no - stop it! I can talk!" I realize he's arguing with someone on the other end. "Sorry about that. You were saying?"

"Could you send someone to pick us up in the truck? Braken can barely walk and I don't want to attract unwanted attention."

"Sure. Hang on." I can hear him talking to someone in the background. "Danyka's coming. Where are you?"

I tell him our location and he says she'll be there in a few minutes. I thank him, hang up, and try to relax without dozing off, a task which proves to be harder than I thought.

Braken flinches in his sleep and mutters something. I ignore him and try to survey the streets, but I keep getting distracted. I keep repeating the same thought over and over. I'm so glad Danyka's coming. I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm not sure what we'd do without her. I can't think clearly. I keep repeating the same thought over and over again. Braken whimpers and stiffens up. I ignore him and try to survey the streets, but I keep getting distracted. I keep repeating the same thought over and over. I'm so glad Danyka's coming. I can barely keep my eyes open. Hang on, didn't I just ... ?

Braken moans again, louder this time. A couple people give us weird looks, but I shrug them off. He told me that if he ever got too loud in his sleep, he wanted me to wake him. I don't, not yet, because I know he doesn't rest very often. I wish I could make him sleep with just a snap of my fingers.

I adjust my position to gently rub his back, something I know relaxes him. As I brush my fingers across his shoulders, however, he bolts upright, his head slamming into my chin. I hiss in pain a jerk back.

"I'm sorry," he quickly says, his eyes darting around frantically.

"It's alright," I say, rubbing my jaw. "You just ... scared me, that's all." I study him quickly and notice that even in this chilly air, his hair is damp with a nervous sweat. He's breathing hard, but trying to keep the sound down. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah ... yeah, I just ... " Braken rubs his arm absent-mindedly and then adjusts the scarf around his neck. I know what he'd been dreaming about, just by watching his actions.

"You were dreaming about him again, weren't you?"

He nods and closes his eyes again, leaning back. "I see him every night." He tries to hide it, but I can see he's fighting tears.

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