035 - Fury

172 11 4

Song of the Chapter: Nevada - Vicetone ft. Cozi Zuehlsdorff (House)

Ok, weird things keep happening when I publish stuff ... let me know if anything is ever blank or something ... (yes I posted twice today - you deserve it)

(Rogue's POV)

I add a few more lines to my drawing and then sigh. What am I doing? I'm just wasting time. But what can I be doing? There's not much any of us can do, much less some limping coward like me.

No one else is in the room, off doing other things or hanging out in other rooms, so I open Nitro's laptop, which apparently permanently resides in here, and pull up YouTube. It should have been blocked, but Nitro managed to hack the system to get in. What should I listen to? I really like Snowblind, the first song that comes to mind, but I'm thinking that's a little too much right now. Maybe something by Hellberg or Soulero ... or Mr FijiWiji. Maybe Direct or Eminence. Yeah, let's do that. I pull up Hysteria by Mr FijiWiji and Direct and let the soft notes surround me. Sometimes I forget how calming these two can be, especially together.

Once that song is over, the next one on the list of recommended videos is Nevada by Vicetone. I haven't heard that one for a while. I let it play, humming along since I don't know the words that well.

Hey-ya, hey-ya
You're a wanderer, just like me.
Hey-ya, hey-ya
Yeah, you better know where you're going.

A loud bang on the window jolts me from the music. I quickly pause it and run to the window, opening it just a crack. There's a person there, propped up on his elbows and grinning at me. I yell in surprise and jump backward, scrambling across the room. He looks sort of familiar, but I can't figure out who it is. He's got white hair and a clean shaven face, and his smile is crooked and mysterious. He taps on the window again, spreading two white wings. I yell again, my heart racing, and scramble to grab my sword from under the bed, holding it out. He shakes his head and seems to sigh, and then points down at the ground.

I don't want to go down and meet some freakish guy with wings, but it doesn't look like I have much of a choice. I adjust my helmet, grip my sword tighter, and slowly nod before leaving the room. I hesitate behind the closed door to steady my breathing, which has quickened from my scare. Who is that guy? What does he want? I start to wander down the stairs, gripping the railing tightly. Finally, I manage to make it outside and go around to the back, where our window is.

There's no one there, though the dark may be hiding him. Maybe I imagined it. Although I hate to admit it, maybe Noisestorm is right ... maybe I am going crazy.

Something lands hard behind me. "It's a good thing I found you before the MI did."

I whip around in panic, swinging my sword around.

"Hey! Watch where you're swinging that! You could've taken my head off."

I know that voice. "Aero?!" I yelp.

He gives me that crooked grin again. "Nice to see you, too."

"But - but you have wings!"

He shrugs. "Yep."

"And - and your hair is white!"

He frowns at that. "It is?"

"But you have wings! Wings!"

"Yeah. I guess I do."

"Wings, Aero!"

"You need to calm down."

"Calm down?! You have wings and you're asking me to calm down?!"

He grabs my shoulders to hold me still. "Stop waving that sword of yours around. You're going to hurt someone."

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