074 - Deception

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Song of the Chapter: Through the Dark - Rogue (Electro)
The Girl ft. Cozi Zuehlsdorff - Hellberg (Color Source Remix) (Future Bass)

Through the Dark is my all time, number one, favorite song ever! I first heard it when I was going through a very hard time and it is hugely inspiring! Random thought: His voice totally cracks pretty bad at about 2:20 and it makes me laugh every time ... Rogue also has an acoustic version of this song on his YouTube channel and that's pretty cool if you wanna check that out ...

I like this remix of The Girl way better than the original ... sorry, Hellberg. You tried.

(Rogue's POV)

It's been five days and no one will come with us. They say it's suicide. I'm starting to agree with them.

"I'm not leaving them there to be used in some sick experiment!" Aero screams as someone tries to tell him to calm down. "Ephixa's already gone through that. So has Braken. I don't want anyone else to suffer like we have. They don't deserve it! No one does!"

"Alex," Au5 says. "We're all going to be caught and killed if we try to go now."

"We have nothing to fight with!" GQ says.

"But Tristam and Monstercat are there now, too! Those two are the ones who kept us together. Without them, we'll fall apart." Aero is pleading now, begging the artists to help us.

"I guess it's working, then, isn't it?" Au5 says softly.

I start to feel that rage boil up again, and I have to storm away from the conversation before I hurt someone. Evee follows me, and we leave the camp to find Nitro Fun. He didn't dare come back into camp after what happened before. He's been hiding around the outskirts and getting food from us.

"How's it coming?" the younger artist says when we find him.

Evee and I exchange a worried glance.

Nitro pauses for a second before he seems to explode and yells something in angry, rapid-fire Spanish. When he's finished, he takes a deep breath and says, "Sorry. I'm just ... I'm so mad. Why won't they listen to us? The others need us or they're going to die. It's almost like these people don't even care."

"Give it one more day," Evee says softly.

"They might not have one more day."

"It's getting late," she mumbles, changing the subject. "We should get back to camp."

"I think I'm going to stay out here tonight, with Nitro." I sit down next to him on the soft grass and lean against the tree. Evee sits next to me and lays against my shoulder. Nitro even lays on my other side, making me feel kind of like the dad of a mixed up family. That thought is kind of weird, since I'm not even close to being old enough to have a kid Nitro's age, so I shake it off and try to relax.

The night is cold and creepy. The wind howls through the trees, sending shivers down my spine. I can't sleep, and neither can Evee. Nitro is out cold.

"Joel?" Evee murmurs. It's nice to hear my real name every once in a while.


"I'm kind of scared ... "

"I've got you, Evee. I'll protect you." I'm scared, too. Scared I'm going to lose her when we actually start the invasion. Neither of them know this, but I'm on the other producers' side. I don't want to go after the others, even though Tristam is one of my best friends. I'm too afraid for Evee.

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