072 - Uncaged

173 9 16

Song of the Chapter: Some Wobbles - Ephixa (Dubstep)

Yay, an old song! Paired with the freaking awesome new cover!!

(Phantom's POV)

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

"I'm fine," I grumble, pushing Ben away.

"Two days isn't long enough," he protests. "You can't heal something that deep in two days."

I ignore him and continue to Jensen's office, my heart hammering in my chest. My awkward double limp steadily grows worse, and Ben has to grab me before I fall over. My pounding heart brings throbbing pain to my chest, but I try to ignore that, too. I don't know why Jensen wants to see me, and that makes me nervous.

We reach the office and Ben gives a loud knock, making me flinch.

"Come in," Jensen says politely.

I swallow nervously and push the door in. Jensen's waiting behind his desk when we come in, and he's not even smiling like he usually is. My hand strays to my bracelet for a comfort. I don't like the feeling in this room. It's a dark, crushing feeling, like I'm committing some sin by entering.

"Benjamin, please return to the door," Jensen says coldly. "Nicholas, remain where you are."

Ben gently squeezes my shoulder and leaves my side, taking his place with two other soldiers. Suddenly, the room seems a lot more uncomfortable, and I shift nervously.

"I believe we have something to talk about, don't we?" Jensen says, his expression still cold.

"Yes, sir?" I squeak out. I try to straighten up and drop my hands to my sides.

"It's time you told me what I'm looking for."

Here it comes. He's finally going to ask.

"What is the password on your parents' box?"

"I don't know?" I whisper. I know he can see right through my lie.

"Playing games is for children, Nick." Jensen circles me like a vulture. I stiffen as his hand brushes over my shoulder. "I have more leverage on you than anyone else. I can torture everyone you love - I can and I will. Don't underestimate me."

I've done it once before. That was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I didn't think he'd hurt my friends, and instead ...

"Not only that ... " Jensen chuckles morbidly. "That winged boy - the one unconscious in a seemingly comatose state - I can make him do it. I can make him torture you and your friends. Wouldn't that be something? The one everyone was so determined to protect becomes the one who kills them all."

"He'd never - " I whisper.

"Really?" Jensen cuts me off. "You think he wouldn't do it? Braken is gone, Nick. The only thing left is F2-06." He emphasizes every character in his call number and I flinch each time he does. "Tell me the password. I know you have it. You're a terrible liar."

My eyes flicker across the room and I lick my dry lips, putting my hands behind my back. I avoid touching my bracelet, just in case.

"Nick," Jensen says firmly. His quiet voice scares me. "Look at me. I won't ask again. How many of your friends will I have to kill before you give in?"

I'm shaking now, trying to meet his eyes, but I keep dropping my gaze back to the floor. I don't know. I can't do it. The sick feeling in my chest makes me want to curl up and hide. I've known this password for six years, from the day I turned eleven, when my parents told me. I promised I'd never tell anyone, and I haven't. I can't betray my own parents. My hands are sweaty and my fingers twitch toward my bracelet.

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