045 - Daybreak

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Song of the Chapter: Do It - Rootkit (Drumstep)

(Nitro Fun's POV)

I've determined that I'm an official hater of everything.

I'm so tired of people telling me I can't do stuff because I'm just a kid. I'm done with being chased by the police. I'm ready to hurt someone because I just want to be appreciated, listened to, taken seriously, all that. I just want to be a valued member of this team.

Instead, what am I?

I'm ignored, pushed away, scolded, teased, laughed at, and treated like some little kid. EVEN BY A CAT ALIEN THING.

Monstercat found me earlier, wandering the streets and trying to stay out of sight. He's a little different now, taller, with thin fur and long black hair. Actually, now he's wearing my jacket and a hat he stole to try and blend in with the people on the street. At first, I was glad for the company, since I'd been alone for a couple days, but now I just want him to go away and let me handle myself.

I watch him carefully as he pokes his head around the corner. The sun's rising, and we'd been hiding up on the roofs. I said I saw Tristam and Braken, but Monstercat just brushed it off. I know what I saw, and I'm determined to go find them. First, I'm going to have to escape this cat.

"Over here," he says.

I look out, too. "Seems pretty clear."

"My instincts are telling me otherwise ... "

Instincts or no instincts, I'm getting out of here. Maybe if I find Tristam, he'll treat me like an adult. I'm ateenagers, and what are teenagers? Treated like kids, expected to act like adults. I'm so done with it.

"Alright, we're going to have to just go with it. Try our luck. Come on." Monstercat starts to walk, leaving the alley.

Perfect timing. I turn and book it, sprinting down the street in the opposite direction. Of course, being the idiot I am, I almost start screaming in glee, because that's just what I do, but thankfully, I catch myself before I let it out.

Monstercat senses immediately that I'm trying to escape him, and turns to peruse me. He catches up pretty quickly and tackles me. He's not big enough to knock me over, so he improvises and grabs my legs, tripping me. I go down with a yell, banging my knee pretty hard on the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?!" he hisses at me.

I struggle to pull him off of me. "You're not letting me do anything."

"So you're running away."

"Let go, Monstercat. I can take care of myself."

"We're in this together, Nitro. We have to work together."

"Guess what?" I finally kick him off and scramble to my feet. "Trust goes both ways. You have to trust me, too. Trust that I can do stuff right, just like the rest of you. Remember what Phantom said when Tristam first brought me here?"

"'Why should trusting him be any different?'" he mutters. "Yeah, I remember."

I dust myself off and glare at him. "Great job you guys are doing."

"Nitro, I do trust you, but you can't deny that you're just a kid. I don't want you getting hurt. You have so much to live for."

"Phantom's only a year older!" I nearly yell. "You let him do insane stuff!"

"Yeah, but he'd proven himself long before you got here. And plus ... " Monstercat sighs, his tail swishing the sidewalk. "You have a family to go back to. He doesn't."

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