041 - Acceptance

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Song of the Chapter: Atlantis - Au5  (Dubstep)

Au5 makes the best Dubstep, in my opinion. It's so deep and awesome and melodic.

New POV, trying something new, probably won't happen again.

(Au5's POV)

Everything is a blur of blood and agony. I know two things for sure: One is that Aero Chord is still holding me, carrying me close to his heart, desperate to escape this madness. The other thing is that I'm dying. I'm not going to make it.

"Alex," I whisper, coughing painfully. Each breath brings another stab to my gut, bringing more blood, seeming to pour over my fingers like a waterfall. I'm going to die. I knew the risk of reciting the declaration, but I never thought they'd kill me. The MI aren't like that. Or at least ... we thought they weren't like that.

"Stop talking," Aero orders, his voice wavering. "Please, just hold on for a few more minutes." He's trying to fly, to go faster, leaping a few feet in the air and beating his wings, but he can't go more than a few strides.

"Alex, I'm not going to make it," I breathe, barely able to make the words come out.

"You're going to make it," he says firmly.

"I know I'm gone ... " There's far too much blood to survive this. It's all over my stomach and my hand, covering my sweatshirt and soaking onto Aero. Crimson waters, scarlet wings, it's everywhere, cold and warm, sticky and smooth. I'm leaving, sinking deeper into the darkness and away from the terror, agony, heartbreak. The revolution will go on without me. They will fight for our cause and my death ...


Coming closer, closer, closer. Jerking movements, blinding light and then darkness. Sinking, floating, a jolt, shaking. Someone collapsing. Hitting hard, falling down, white spots, stars. Reaching out.

A whisper. Murmuring, begging, pleading. "You'll be okay. You'll be okay."

Cold, freezing, shivers. Tense up, sharp pain, agony, silent screaming.


"You'll be okay ... "

Drooping, slipping away, further, further, further. Going, gone. Past, beating heart, shaking breaths.

"You'll be okay ... "

Rising up, floating, carried, falling. Soft, warm, hopeful. Bumping, crying, shouting.

"Just hang in there, Austin. You'll be okay ... "

Echoes, fading, slipping, moving.

Darkness. Painless.

They'll fight for our rights. They'll fight for my memory.





Pounding, roaring, throbbing. Sharper, stabbing, ripping agony. Tensed and arched, straining.

"Alex ... "

Pressing, falling down, down, silently crying, begging.

"Alex ... "

Murmuring, growing louder, roaring like the waves. Echoing, swimming, drowning in the ocean of crimson blood.

"Alex ... "

"He's awake. Awake ... awake ... awake ... "

Voices echo through my head, pounding hard, like my heart.

Rebel: A Monstercat FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang