076 - Resistance (026)

160 10 8

Song of the Chapter: Atlantic - Rogue (Electro)
Frame of Mind - Tristam & Braken (DnB)

The Monstercat action chapter you've all been waiting for! (Even though it's only half a chapter ... )

Also I drew an art to go with the second half of the chapter. It's posted in my art book under "Frame of Mind". I really like it.

(Monstercat's POV)

"Come on, you filthy cat," Jensen hisses, pulling me by my collar into a white room. I yelp and wince. The floors of this new room, I notice, are covered in dry blood, and I shiver.

"What's going on?" I ask, dragging my feet. I haven't eaten in days. I'm exhausted. I'm okay, I remind myself. Tristam is in far worse condition. He still hasn't woken up from when Jensen knocked him out for speaking French.

How could he do that? How could Tristam do that? "Then kill me. I dare you." He's crazy. I knew after he said that that he was acting and understood everything Jensen said. He knew that he'd only get hurt by annoying him. He's Jensen's favorite. I think that's what bugged him. He was bothered by the fact that Jensen treated him better than everyone else, and wanted to be treated equal. He didn't want to be better than his friends. I respect that, I really do, but I think he's stupid. He could have cooperated with Jensen, earned his trust, and then busted us out that way. Instead, he had to go all heroic on me. It's too late for me to earn Jensen's trust, and I don't think anyone else would be able to, either. We'll have to rely on force, something we just don't have.

"Remember when I told you about my new soldier?" Jensen laughs. "You're going to fight him."

Braken. I'm going to fight Braken. I swallow nervously, suddenly all shaky, inside and out. Aero said that Braken killed someone. He said that he went out of control. What if he hurts me? I don't want to hurt him, but I might have no choice.

"Be a nice Cocoa and stay right here while I get him." Jensen releases me and starts to walk away.

"Why do you talk to me like that?" I demand, scaring myself with my boldness.

"Excuse me?" Jensen turns to look at me.

"Why do you treat me like a little kid? If Leo's so perfect, why do you treat him like he's an idiot who doesn't speak English?"

That was the wrong thing to say.

Jensen grabs me by the throat and slams me against the wall. "Don't ever speak to me like that again, you hear? If this experiment works, I won't need you anymore, and I have ways of killing that would give grown men nightmares. Leo will speak English to me or I'll kill him. I already have my killing machine. I don't need him anymore."

I try to pry his long fingers away from my neck, but I'm not strong enough. I kick at him until he drops me on the floor, and then he stalks into his little protective room, calling into a little radio thing. A door on the other side of the room slides open and a creature steps out. I take one look at him and my heart almost stops.

"Ready and waiting," a tall, black cat hisses. His yellow eyes seem to glow, even in the light, and his razor sharp claws gleam when he moves. His long, pointed tail flicks back and forth, back and forth, and he has a little bounce in his step. I can already tell by his slick body shape that he's more agile than I am.

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