015 - Revolution (011)

220 17 15

Song of the Chapter: The Mentalist - Mr FijiWiji (Dubstep)

I promise after this chapter there will be no more important characters introduced ...


(Monstercat's POV)

"Don't go to the meeting place," Tristam calls from my communicator. "Ephixa's been caught. Find a place to hide and we'll meet up in a couple hours, once things have cooled down."

"I'm going to get him, then."

"No! I can't ... I can't lose you, too. This wasn't supposed to happen."

"That's why I have to go back. This mess was my idea." I turn around, grabbing some of the extra fireworks from my bag. "You guys will be fine on your own, right?"

"Of course," one half of the Pegboard Nerds says.

"We'll watch the kid," the other one says.

"I'm not - " Nitro begins, but the Nerds both smack their hands over his mouth so he can't speak.

"Don't wait for me. Go find somewhere to hide and I'll get back to you." Without waiting for a response, I turn and run down the streets, toward the meeting place. I'm silent and almost invisible in the night air.

Once I reach the point, I watch in a mix between anger and fear as an MI truck pulls away. Ephixa must be in there. I light two smoke flares and throw them on the street. The officers turn and yell in surprise, but recover quickly and ready their barriers. They have guns, I notice, but they're not using them, to my relief.

"I'm here to change the world!" I shout, the words a little muffled by my bandana.

I can hear them shouting orders, but I don't understand them. The smoke almost hides them from view, but it doesn't hide the person running toward us, his sword drawn.

"Rogue!" I yelp, suddenly afraid for my friend.

"Come back!" Noisestorm orders, somewhere behind him.

"They have Ephixa!" Rogue howls in despair. The MI officers shuffle nervously, as if they don't know how to deal with a crazy guy wielding a sword.

He takes a swing and the man he's aiming to hit brings his barrier shield up and gets lucky. The blade bounces off, leaving a decent sized dent, but other than that, doing no harm. Before Rogue can attack again, Noisestorm tackles him from the side and they crash to the ground.

"All three of you are under arrest by order of the MI," one of them demands.

"We have to get out of here," I mutter, frantically trying to think up a plan. My brain is empty. Or maybe it's full of this smoke that's now hiding the MI from view.

"This was supposed to be a no-one-gets-hurt mission," Noisestorm growls, trying his best to restrain Rogue.

"They are going to KILL HIM." Rogue shoves Noisestorm out of the way, only to charge the wrong direction and ram into a lamp post.

I try to draw the MI's attention away from the two artists by throwing more fireworks in the other direction, and it seems to be working. While I'm doing so, however, I notice something that almost makes my heart stop.

There's a dead man crumpled on the ground in front of me. He has a nasty bullet wound in his back. The only one who has a gun is Ephixa. He's the only one who could have done it. Rogue is right. Ephixa will be charged for murder. It's almost like ... I can feel my dreams shattering. I'd hoped that none of us would get hurt, but that's not how real life works.

Rebel: A Monstercat FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz