053 - Whisper

132 9 14

Song of the Chapter: Full Force - Rameses B (Glitch Hop/110 BPM)

Update: again, I didn't plan this out very well and the last part of this chapter doesn't make sense. I'm fixing it, I promise

(Monstercat's POV)

We wander around the campsite for a while, talking to other people, and I find out that the guy Phantom went to talk to is Alan Walker, a guy who was as old as Phantom is now when he started getting popular. They both get along really well, and it makes me laugh to see our friend physically holding in his excitement. If he let it out, I bet he'd explode. Instead, they manage to hold a semi-normal conversation.

Lots of other artists introduce themselves to me, but I forget most of them immediately. There's just too many to remember.

Finally, someone comes up to me and says, "So you're the Monstercat I've heard so much about."

"Found him!" GQ shouts at Stephen Walking.

"And you must be ... Mike, right? Mike Darlington?"

He seems a little surprised. "Yeah," he laughs.

"Nice to meet you." I stick my paw out and he shakes it.

"Isn't it funny that your name matches the label's? It's like you're meant to be with us."

"Wait ... the label's called Monstercat?"

"They never told you?" he chuckles.

"They never tell me anything," I mock complain, instantly liking this man.

"So ... are you ready to fight?"

"Am I ready? I wasn't just born ready. I started this fight!"

Someone calls for him and he shrugs regretfully. "Nice meeting you, Monstercat. I guess I have to go be responsible and make sure we're not going to burn the forest down."

We share a laugh and he leaves. "So ... now what?" I ask Evee, following her over to the roaring fire.

"Who knows?" she says. "Maybe we'll fight again soon. I mean, we have the numbers, and I'm sure Noisestorm has more explosives. I bet the others brought weapons, too."

"Hey, has anyone seen Austin? Au5?" someone asks.

"He's not here," I tell him. "He got shot in the protest last week and is resting at the house we stayed at."

"Sorry to hear it," the guy says, walking off. They all have the attention span of a squirrel, I decide.

"How does he know Austin?" I ask.

"That's one of the guys from UKF," Rogue explains, seeming to appear out of nowhere. "He was signed to that label for a while. I think he still is, but I'm not sure." He sits down on the log and sighs. "Warm."

"Not painfully freezing?"

He just glares at me and Evee laughs.

The sun is rising, but our little group, the ones who'd been staying at the house, eventually find somewhere semi-quiet and get some rest. I wander far past our campsite, wanting to sort things out. I've been thinking a lot about my encounter with Jensen - or maybe the lack of contact. I find a quiet place by a fallen log, where the sunlight spills through the leaves and pools on the soft dirt. I can't even hear the army of EDM producers from here. Now, I can think without people constantly bugging me.

Are my small new changes bad? Any downsides? Not that I know of, other than being cold. My hands can grab things better, there hasn't been any alteration to my speed, sense of smell, or hearing. I discovered claws a few hours ago, sharper and more durable than my old ones. Why, then, would Jensen change me? I'm not even all that different. I don't understand. And why didn't he show up after the experiment was finished? Where was everybody?

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